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Re: modem configuration..


> > I've installed LINUX (debian 2.0.2) on my IBM 240 E pc. LINUX is
> > unable to sense the built in modem. PC has Rockwell HCF 56K
> > modem at IRQ 4 on COM1. It works fine with Windows. I  tried
> > editing /etc/rc.boot/0serial script with various parameters.
> > Whenever I run 'wvdialconf /dev/wvdial.conf' it is unable to 
> > find the modem.

I think it is an PnP modem, isn't it? If it is ISA modem (or a modem
internally connected to ISA bus), then try the isapnptools package - with
pnpdump command you can dump all the configuration information, save it to a
file, edit it so there will be only one setting for each resource, and then
run isapnp with that file (or put it to /etc/isapnp.conf). If you need help
with it, I'll be pleased to help (then please mail me directly, not to this

If it is PCI modem (or connected to PCI bus), then I can't help now, because
I have no information about how to start PCI PnP devices.

What works in Win, doesn't have to work in Linux. Especially devices with
logo "Designed for Windows95" are big trouble.

All the very best,
                      * Peter Paluch                  *
                      * Kukucinova 939/35             *
                      * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto     *
                      * Slovakia, Europe              *
                      * ----------------------------- *
                      * mobil: +905 16 44 32          *
                      * domov: +421 826 421 2542      *

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