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Re: where is "rc.local"

In article <cistron.Pine.LNX.3.96.990214133022.20361x-100000@calvin.captech.com>,
George Bonser  <grep@oriole.sbay.org> wrote:
>The last thing /etc/init.d/rcS does is look for a file called
>/sbin/setup.sh and if it exists, it runs it. I put all my local stuff

Ugh .. that's quite wrong.

That hook is there only for the initial installation procedure. At that
point, you are still in single user mode. Networking daemons are not
running, the portmapper is not there yet (so no NIS either) etc.

As mentioned before the best thing is to create a file /etc/init.d/local
and run "update-rc.d local defaults 80" to make sure it is run as
one of the last things in the boot procedure.

Use /etc/init.d/skeleton as an example file for /etc/init.d/local

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

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