I've removed /etc. How can I restore it?
Please, don't laugh at me until you have read the message!
I was doing some maintanance tasks, removing old files with rmold (it is
an alias for "rm -rf *~ .*~"). I noticed (with "ll /etc|less") that /etc
had some old files and I did "rmold /etc", unknowing of the catastrofic
effects: It removed the whole directory!
I tried to use dselect to configure all packages installed but dselect
didn't executed. Then I had a panic, the system freezed and I booted.
But then initd refused to go on (I had no /etc/init.d files!).
Then I tried to install Debian again with the Hamm CDROM, but when
installing base system some errors ocurred and I couldn't finished. I
couldn't see the errors because messages were covered down with error
mesages that explained that something failed but not where it failed!
Then, I decided to make a SuSe boot disk in order to install the Minimal
system and then trying again with Debian, but SuSe also failed.
Again I tried out with Debian Hamm. Then, when "mounting already
initialized partitions" (I didn't want to format them and loose the work
of six months!) I noticed a warning message: I shouldn't mount
partitions before checking them. So I unmounted and checked them. There
were plenty of errors due (I suposse) to the first reset, when the
system hanged and I had panic). So I e2fsck'ed them various times in
order to have them right, I went on with instalation, and finally I had
the base system installed.
I didn't use dselect in order to install the standard packages because I
had them already installed, but then, and after rebooting, I tried to
use dselect in order to configure all my packages installed in these
last six months. Dselect told me that I had installed almost no
I've lost the list of packages installed in these months! How could I
restore it?
Then I remembered that two months ago I tar'ed the /etc directory for a
friend, searched the diskette, found it, and untar'ed it. Thus, I had
the /etc of 23 december 1998. In order to obtain newer versions of /etc
files for packages installed I dselect'ed and installed via ftp all
packages listed (the base system). Then configured them, by choosing
between the package /etc files and those already installed.
Now I have a running system, but dselect says I only have 134 packages.
I remember the name of the last five or six packages installed previous
week, but nomore.
How can I get a list of packages I really DO have installed in order to
reinstall again in order dselect to know the truth?
Thanks, now you can laugh!
Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50 | e-m: Conrado.Badenas@uv.es
46100 Burjassot (Valencia) | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN | Fax: +34-63983385
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