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Re: Best partitioning scheme?

	Subject: Re: Best partitioning scheme?
	Date: Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 06:22:20AM -0500

In reply to:Jeremy

Quoting Jeremy(jeremy@gaddis.nws.net):
> On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Kent West wrote:
> > Storage mostly needs to be shared, so I think I need Samba and Netatalk
> > (see below). So, after getting input from several people, this is how I'm
> > looking to do things:
> > 
> > Drive 1:
> >  / = 200MB
> I think 200 megs is overkill here, but since you have the space, it's
> your chance. 
> [gaddis:jeremy]$ df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1             242M   35M  195M  15% /
> When I installed Debian on this system, I allocated ~250 megs for /,
> which, looking back, was way too much. Its only using 35 megs, and I
> don't really expect it to ever make it to 50 megs. Now, I wish I had
> only made it 50 megs, because I could use that other 200 megs elsewhere.
> >  /usr = 1 GB
> >  /usr/local = 500 MB (is this where stuff like StarOffice, Netscape, WP8
> > would go?)
> Yep. Looks good.
> >  swap = 64 MB
> >  /var = 100 MB
> >  /tmp = 100 MB
> > 
> > Drive 2:
> >  /home = 2 GB less swap (personal storage space for 7 techs or so)
> >  swap = 64 MB
> > 
> > Drive 3:
> >  /apple = 2 GB less swap (netatalk storage space for Mac software)
> >  swap = 64 MB
> > 
> > Drive 4:
> >  /pc = 2GB less swap (samba storage space for PC software)
> >  swap = 64 MB
> > 
> > How does this sound? Again, thanks!
> The only thing is you have 64 megs of swap on each drive. This is a
> total of 256 megs. Linux will not make use of more than 128 megs,
> unless you're running a 2.2.x kernel. I'd suggest making each swap
> partition 16 megs, for a total of 64. This would suit you just fine,
> unless you will have lots of memory hogging apps running. In that case,
> I'd make each 32 megs, for a total of 128 megs.

Ohhh?  Only 128Meg?  Don't think that is correct. I believe that, if
you check, linux will use up to 8 swap partitions of (a max) of 128
Meg _each_.  I think that 2.2.x has increased that limit. (haven't
checked tho)

My 2 cents on your partitions.  When I was using kernel 2.0.36 and
staroffice I had it crash on occasion when I had 1 125 Meg swap
partition.  I solved it by adding another  125 meg partition.  I find
that Gimp & ImageMagic ran better with the ~250 Megs swap as well.

I have 4 different dists running and have 250 Meg assigned to /.
None of them have reached 100 Meg yet ( one is at 86 Meg and it is
used at the softwate test system), 100 Meg seems kile it would be

IMHO 1 Gig for /usr is smart.  Depending on how much non-debian
software you 'might' load up, 500M-1Gg for /usr/local would be a safe
bet also.


Command, n.:
  Statement presented by a human and accepted by a computer in
  such a manner as to make the human feel as if he is in control.
Wayne T. Topa <wtopa@ix.netcom.com>

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