debian-user Feb 2011 by thread
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Re: panning using xrandr T o n g
[SOLVED] Re: APC ES-550 almost works perfectly Curt Howland
Re: VM speed benchmark T o n g
Re: [OT] Gmail's not-that-fancy features (was: USB3.0 problem: xhci_hcd not found) Camaleón
Debian SID - Source Package: etoile (0+20080616+dfsg-2) Csanyi Pal
Upgrade to 2.6.32-5-amd64 failing miserably lrhorer
Re: [SOLVED] Re: Problem with dns-search option with dhclient Camaleón
Release file expired Joe Riel
alternatives for gcc Joe Riel
[SOLVED] squeeze mplayer autocomplete -dvd-device path Bob
Eвpoпейские кoмпании, оффшоpы, оншopы Oптимизируeм бизнeс
can't umount automounted drives briand
Installing Etoile on Debian SID - experiences? Csanyi Pal
Re: help Chris Bannister
Display or graphics problems 陈飞
Copying DVD Mathieu Malaterre
Re: Admin password (cn=admin,dc=config) for OpenLDAP in Debian Squeeze Rob Owens
Backup media - double-layer DVD Chris Jones
New version of midori with more problems? Javier Vasquez
Squeeze Beta 2 upgrade Russell Gadd
Upgrade stable -> testing -- with errors Brad Alexander
Overwritten ALOM runtime image during Debian Net install - HELP :( RR
BIOS boot message. How to fix? Mark Neidorff
Installing Debian from NFS RR
Условия рaботы в нoвом году Для пpедпpинимaтеля
Вопросы по Debian Sergey Kazakov
X freeze the system after upgrade T o n g
Evolution - copy link location Richard Hector
DHCP weirdness? broken? Raffaele Morelli
Hidden Wireless WPA2-PERSONAL AES-CCMP trouble Marcelo Laia
nat issue Oleg
How to use mount.crypt remount T o n g
How to set GNOME-panel to several columns if needed? kellyremo
Problem determining a PID with ps Malte Forkel
How can I do that with mount T o n g
strange behavior of mount darkestkhan
lighttpd redirect
no audio in microphone Paul Cartwright
[SELinux] Wildcard for object classes? Simon Brandmair
Starting NFS common utilities failed! T o n g
Re: nfs-kernel-server installation issues Horst Schleicher
status of LILO in upcoming Stable release Stan Hoeppner
procps: Regarding FROM field in "w" command Navdeep Bhatia
Oh no, not partitioning again! PMA
Scanner stopped working Marc Shapiro
ALSA: turn external amplifier on and off automatically? Timo Juhani Lindfors
why is the RIGHT ALT key ignored? jidanni
tool for internet connection test Lubos Rendek
Re: tool for internet connection test Stefan Pietsch
Re: tool for internet connection test Camaleón
allow/deny user power of the os Pol Hallen
Routing via an OpenVPN tunnel; was "message threading ..." peasthope
Re: hide url in apache2 Jesus arteche
System Hangs on Activating Swap Tim Nelson
Please help me to evaluate flash/ssd life using vmstat -d R. Ramesh
Paravirtualization kvm with libvirt T o n g
Unusable Squeeze: Can't switch off from X to consoles, neither between Pier Paolo
Trying to use the Droid fonts in xterm John Magolske
replacement for amarok 1.4. in squeeze? Johannes Wiedersich
Squeeze release date according to distrowatch Mark Panen
Squeeze. After Trinity istall no boot background picture Mark Goldshtein
Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq T o n g
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq Tixy
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq T o n g
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq T o n g
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq Tixy
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq T o n g
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq Tixy
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq T o n g
- Manually setup KVM public bridge T o n g
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq T o n g
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq Tixy
- Re: Pump, dhchp, dns and dnsmasq T o n g
the new apt-get recommendation Kete
Re: Squeeze. How to set video res to 1366x768 in pure console? Mark Goldshtein
Re: Asus WL-167g (rt2500usb) DHCP fails Sven Arvidsson
Re: Is The Hour Nigh? Freeman
Congrats Deb Devs on Squeeze release! Nate Bargmann
lost ability to remote run sudo apps Rodney D. Myers
Problems upgrading GRUB to GRUB2 while upgrading to Squeeze from Lenny Markus Viitamäki
Build Deb install then move it Harry Putnam
Lenny -> Squeeze kernel upgrade Mark
weired problem around grub2 Geronimo
Using Libvirt T o n g
parameters and the command line Lisi
Help - Apparent conflict between libmagic1 and file packages during upgrade to squeeze Drew MacDonald
The last update was on 06:00 GMT Thu Jun 27. There are 2966 messages. Page 1 of 6.
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