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Re: Installing Debian from NFS

On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 06:19:15AM -0500, RR wrote:
> Thanks all for your comments and advice. After having done a bunch of
> research and everywhere it says that debian was NOT built to be booted off
> of an NFS server and it's supposed to use HTTP. After fighting it a little
> bit, I decied to quickly install a light-weight HTTP server (nginx). Now, I
> figured everything will go smooth, but here we are:
> For some reason, when I go through the install and during the screen of
> picking a mirror, I choose "configure Manually" and enter the name:port of
> the HTTP as well the location. I also see the installation process pick up
> the Release file from the HTTP server successfully:
> * - - [03/Feb/2011:11:10:53 +0000] "GET /debian/dists/lenny/Release
> HTTP/1.1" 200 912 "-" "Wget" "-"*
> But for some reason, it still comes back saying that it's a "Bad Archive
> Mirror" and that it may not have a"Valid Release" file.
> Does anyone know how to fix this or know what's wrong?

This may not help. I made on on-disk version for debs I build or scarf. 
There are examples for creating package files and of a release file.


Of course apt-cacher-ng will do the same.

P.S. Protocol here is to trim the quote and respond below. 


"Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO (or Linux) is the
answer." --Somebody

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