debian-user Apr 2013 by thread
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Re: Serveur with encrypted partition : 2 steps boot. Erwan David
Strange load average Urs Thuermann
root password Robert B McKittrick
slow ssh prompt binary dreamer
scp non root Bonno Bloksma
BTRFS Kernel Panic Alex Robbins
Finding a working udev rule for a device Franz Zinn
RE: Having troublh working out how to STOP monitor detection. Glenn Alexander
iperf / ftp / http TCP poor performance in one direction (UDP good) John Elliot
copy onto cifs-utils samba mount maxes out at 100KiB/s on 100Mib/s eth link Zenaan Harkness
remove unwanted services/packages binary dreamer
mod-security update Jens Tobiska
Using unstable for certain packages Tom Browder
Problem with xz on very small system David Goodenough
Debian Wheezy - Kernel 3.2.X - Broadcom 57766 driver support
Continued problems with Canon 110 scanner Lisi Reisz
Re: wiki page vlan_raw_device or vlan-raw-device Andrei POPESCU
netinstall size? agroconsultor0
Internet with Debian Jim
differences between installs affecting hardware Dick Thomas
How to get Debian live running from flash with persistence Michael Heerdegen
migration to wheezy and disaster recovery Paul Condon
prettify audacious? - sid, xfce desktop Zenaan Harkness
java on wheezy Francesco Pietra
dual-boot: writing to windows partition? Charles Blair
OT: Addressbook Programs Thomas H. George
administration of initscripts Thilo Six
very slow copy on mount of WindowsXP shares - was Re: copy onto cifs-utils samba mount maxes out at 100KiB/s on 100Mib/s eth link Zenaan Harkness
/etc/network/interfaces config example for 3g (telstra Bigpond Elite USB Sierra Wireless USB 308 modem)?? Zenaan Harkness
How to install Debian in such a situation Yuwen Dai
spamassassin and detailed logs Russell Coker
[gnome2] disable suspend/hiberante from menu buttons Pol Hallen
Booting Wheezy Install on Software Raid 6
Xfce: multi workspace: stick windows to a workspace Jerome BENOIT
which distro to use abdelkader belahcene lagging? Andrew Bennett
Contratacion, Despido, Finiquito y Liquidacion Lic. Carolina Moo
Starting Google Chrome Ethan Rosenberg, PhD
Error kobject_add_internal failed for threshold_bank (Squeeze 6.0.7) nnmbnmbnmnm .
huawei e169 +asterisk binary dreamer
debian wiki's mirror låzaro
vnc server ChadDavis
Unexpected results attempting to install Squeeze(6.0.5) to USB flash drive Richard Owlett
Equivalent of --append-to-version for deb-pkg ? Laurent Debian
Provide wires abd cables, such as Bare Copper Tape ,BBC,CCA,CCS,ACSR and so on jtky801
what's your Debian uptime? Stan Hoeppner
Highlighting CLI output: what are these terms called? Dotan Cohen
make-kpkg doesn't work properly when compiling i386 kernel on amd64 host 曹思亮
Terminals jamie
rc-update() 1.0 Thilo Six
Random crashes that won't allow rebooting easily Bill Harris
wake on lan: power on, no boot Freddie
Fwd: Minor issue with reprepro... Trey Blancher
Re: make deb-pkg laurent Debian
Re: XEN 4.0 and Debian 6 HVM Problem. Alan Drees
Profiling a dlopened library Niklaus
connect directly to another computer bypassing firewalls using a third server alberto fuentes
When to file a bug report? - Re: prettify audacious? - sid, xfce desktop Zenaan Harkness
Wheezy release date: 5 May Tony van der Hoff
rootfs Raffaele Morelli
dpkg Pol Hallen
100% cpu usage by hwC0D0, amd & usb 2.0-crw war dhan
LILO documentation Richard Owlett
The last update was on 17:36 GMT Wed May 01. There are 1413 messages. Page 2 of 3.
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