debian-kde Jan 2005 by thread
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- gui for broadband jianan
- errors in kdm.log jianan
- gui for cd-rw drive jianan
- Ihr Email Keil
- kdm docbook docs Brian Sammon
- Re: Vague, uninteresting question... jianan
- Re: Re: DPMS doesn't work with KDE Rupinder S. Gill
- java plug-in jianan
- Q about konsole: How to open new tab by a script Ulrich Scholz
- Q about konsole: button for closing tabs disapeared! Ulrich Scholz
- Features not available on this platform: XtAppAddTimeOut() Ulrich Scholz
- unsubscribe Ivan Glushkov
- Kde 3.2.2 woody Philippe Merlin
- KDE 3.3.1 in Sarge Frans Pop
- disable Lock Session button Jonathan Meller
- how to clear cache jianan
- Artsd broken in Sid Bob Hauck
- Konqueror freezing Theo Schmidt
- KDE/Konqeror - mounting NFS export hangs Konquerer and K-MenuI C. Hurschler
- Re: Bug#247312: konqueror: opening of bookmarks is much slower when clicking directly on Bookmarks menu Jesús Roncero Franco
- 'clear cache' folder Jianan
- Key press + mouse press shortcuts Peter Clark
- Yes, libflac4 is broken, breaks amarok, juk, and others Adeodato Simó
- Fwd: unable to mount smb shares using konqueror Adeodato Simó
- massive problems with sound on Sarge since KDE 3.3.1 Dirk Salva
- Hi I'm able to browse and access workgroups and shares on network using smb:/ but when I try to use the smbmount function to mount the share, it says unable to... I've done chmod +s /usr/bin/smbmount and smbumount .. still no joy. Any ideas what I'm Rishi
- How is it going with libflac6 ? Mateusz Linda
- kopete in sarge Dirk Salva
- How to change Enter-key in kopete? Dirk Salva
- how to save settings of konqueror Jianan
- gdm vs kdm and X-problem with Sarge installer Theo Schmidt
- making run command predictive. Caoilte O'Connor
- Re: best practice for adapting to different environments? Frans Pop
- system does not adhere the num lock key Ulrich Scholz
- kwin: no way to remember window geometry? Adrian von Bidder
- kdm can't start X Theo Schmidt
- Kmail - no reply, compoes Greg Cockburn
- no kde system sounds after sid upgrade Tim Folger
- Re: Re: Every KDE App Crashes Edwin Boonenburg
- Kmail mixes messages in maildir folders Bud Rogers
- Continuous QFile Errors Bob Hauck
- Shipping Confirmation, Tracking Number : NSGZ83689234555YGBF Shawna Jones
- Can't print from kwrite,kpf etc. ? Mateusz Linda
- 3.3.1 - Root crashes system C. D. Logan
- KDE Update Richard Ibbotson
- mozilla tiny menu tomas nilsson
- Kde hangs on splash screen pepper
- QT3-Designer menu item missing Hendrik Sattler
- Non interactive actions for kmail Matías Costa
- Update on the libflac6 issue -- solved for KDE Adeodato Simó
- kudesigner can't run wendy
- xhost+ and Konsole Charles de Miramon
- KMail freeze Jan L�hr
- Are there (experimental) packages for KDE 3.4 Beta1 ? Pablo Pita Leira
- Bug: No more K-Tips in testing? Dirk Salva
- How Do I Enable My Mouse Wheel? Robert Tilley
- KMail DoS Jan Lühr
- kde 3.3.2 in experimental? Lawrence Williams
- kde 3.3.1 (sarge), sound problems: can't use microphone, krec seems to ignore kde sound settings, ... Joao Clemente
- Matrix 3D screensaver not existing? Dirk Salva
- Re: Problem With Altgr key, can not type |, @, ~ BOBINTON
- Post to denied gentoo-gwn+owner
- Fonts won't stay installed C. D. Logan
- Eject fails!? Dirk Salva
- Dependency problems with Sound. Alan Chandler
tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid. Rishi
directory names for configuration files Hendrik Sattler
Multiple desktops not being saved at logoff Rob Clack
Why is screensaver glmatrix not used? Dirk Salva
Zoufalství z MetaPostu Matej Cepl
kmail no longer finds account info Michael Bona
"unsubscribe" Trouble? Contact Rob Fitchett
Trouble with keyboard definition ... Hervé Piedvache
Sarge Konsole packages available with the "Konsole-has-strange-font-bug-by-default" bug fixed Malte Cornils
possible error in kde-printing-system? B. Venthur
where to get kde3 deb's for woody?!? Jason Mansfield
Fwd: Bug#265999: sending special kesy on terminal services Asanda Ntintelo
Kmail 1.7.1 Anti-Spam Wizard Richard Ibbotson
Please confirm: io-slave issue with kate editor Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
Shortcuts for named filter Matej Cepl
Panel problem with kdegames programs Gerhard Brauer
Kmail: inbox keep growing Frans Pop
gnupg2 and its integration in KDE-3.3.x Hendrik Sattler
Not all options when configuring a printer Carles Company Soler
KDE cannot logout using Logout menu item Tommy Trussell
'Open with...' program associations can't be saved, which package? Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
Insert image in html edit mode Alvin Smith
kdelinks to commands don't work Theo Schmidt
msg in .xsession-errors Jianan
USB-Speicher automatisch in KDE einbinden Martin Steigerwald
no sound with kopete johnny geling
"Open With" no longer guesses appropriate app Nick Leverton
reading news with Knode Jianan
How to get rid of Firefox-ish search box in Konqueror? Matej Cepl
USB Flash Drives & Automatic Mounting? Robert Tilley
system sounds broken? johnny geling
The last update was on 08:10 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 510 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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