debian-powerpc Feb 2005 by thread
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Re: trackpad on powerbook John Harrold
endianness guide Guglielmo Dapavo
Switching from BootX to quik Rich Johnson
Kernel+Installer for hardisk boot on pb5300c Brandon Lewis
Linux on the Mac Mini -- Updated William R Sowerbutts
Memory problem Vincent Lefevre
Powerbook5,6 support John Harrold
external VGA ibook dual usb Edoardo Pasca
Re: resizing hfs+ partition Sven Luther
disk partition questions Michael Thon
X freezes with dri enabled ... Sven Kromminga
valentines day Mrs Sutton
Weired routing error "Dr. Matthias Dräger"
pb5300 partial success report Brandon Lewis
MAX G4 DUAL CPU John Langston
disable touchpad - accidental tap [was: Re: trackpad on powerbook] Eddy Petrisor
No suspend with 2.6.11-rc3 Tim Weippert
TiBook lid/screen wrenched, wires exposed Josh Narins
802.11{b|g} pcmcia network adapter suggestions John Harrold
yaboot killed after MacOS X update Carsten Friede
where's tfm? Felipe Fonseca
iBook G4 1.2Ghz 12" and therm_adt746x Thomas Deschepper
giveaway: newertech G3 processor upgrade card Tormod Volden
poerbook can only sleep once Dylan Beaudette
Japanese Input on Sarge/KDE Dylan Beaudette
Note: pbbuttons with IPC problems Joerg Sommer
debian-powerpc digest ? Kristian Peters
Congrats to William Sowerbutts, Mac mini article makes it to Slashdot Barry Hawkins
m3mirror and distortion James Tappin
dpkg problems... vze26m98
pmacpow--would a .deb be worthwhile? Rich Johnson
Booting from an External USB HDD Francisco Gimeno
OOo crash on startup Matthew T. Atkinson
iBook G4: repeatingly connect/disconnect of usb storage device steinm
radeonfb: only 80x25 Martin Lohmeier
powerpc 2.6.10-2 currently in NEW, available on p.d.o Sven Luther
French keyboard PowerBook G4 ( alu ) with KDE Charles-Edouard Ruault
PowerMac7,3 G5 Sound? Aurélien GÉRÔME
Getting rid of hotplug & Co. for 2.6 Wolfgang Pfeiffer
looking for partnership Usman E
Selinux available on 2.6.10 powerpc.deb [was: powerpc 2.6.10-2 [ ... ]] Wolfgang Pfeiffer
Linux-PPC, 802.11g, and B&W new world power mac, internal v.90 modems? Brandon Lewis
old apple machines supported ? Jorge Salamero
PowerMac7,3 insists it has 0 batteries and no AC power! Shyamal Prasad
2.6 kernel for iBook 500 Mhz G3 dual usb Greg Hamilton
fixed download kernel conf 2.6.10 for powerbook g4 Pander
icons missing in several gnome apps [unstable] Michael Flaig
Setup soft modem on PowerBook G4 12" Al? GONG Jie
Wrong sized wrench Josh Narins
MOC Elimar Riesebieter
module-assistant broken on recent powerpc kernels? Teemu Ikonen
LCD Colours Washed-Out on PowerBook5,4 Matthew T. Atkinson
Heyyy, Mrs.Mathew
Clock and Sound David Medina
Help: Logging in to virtual terminal Ben Hill
Re: MSNBC_Auto_Response: Thank you for contacting TODAY with Katie Couric and Ma Susanluckedout
disable sound in gtkpbbuttons Joerg Sommer
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