debian-powerpc Jul 2005 by thread
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- Get software cds and download under $15-$99 Liza
- Re: Sarge / OldWorld / Boot X Rick_Thomas
- X keymap for Powerbook5,6 problem Matthew Denner
- Re: display problems, sleep and freeze on PB5,6 2.6.12-rc6 Paul TT
- Re: wlan sniffer under ppc Paul TT
- Re: New Powerbook configuration Paul TT
- Re: [PATCH] apm-emu displays time till battery is fully charged Paul TT
- Re: Porting ppc Linux to Xbox 360? Paul TT
- Re: Still Deadlock problem with pbbuttonsd 0.6.10? Michael Schmitz
- ATI Radeon 9200 for MAC Uli
- Unidentified subject! James Buchanan
- Re: Fs sascha brossmann
- Re: PISMO G4 UPGRADE - Does it make sense with linux? Rainer Gutkas
- PBButtonsd Beta Version 0.7.0beta2 released - major bugfix Matthias Grimm
- Unable to boot OSX Erik Chakravarty
- RS6000 / 43P Install Failing Mark Van Leeuwen
- iMac 353Mhz & ATI =Problems Wawrzyniec Niewodniczański
- [2.6.12-rc4] gnome-volume-manager is broken? Jack Malmostoso
- Re: Bug#316262: apt: Local repository and Release.gpg Elimar Riesebieter
- emulate three-button mouse(macintosh) nuno romano
- How to map an insert key? Rainer Gutkas
- cdrecord-ProDVD Josh Narins
- ALSA with gstreamer Mike S
- Mixer, Keyboard, and OpenGL issues with iMac DV Abo Faisal
- Change of contact info Stephen Ronan
- /lib/ eats my memory Klaus Kettner
- Hibernating Powerbook5,6 Matthew Denner
- Powerbook 2005 bluetooth Douglas Russell
- Re: Fn key and 2.6.12-rc4 Johannes H. Jensen
- [iBook G4 - 2.6.12] Ooooooops after resuming from sleep Jack Malmostoso
- pashful Madelyn Parson
- mounting mac partitions in linux jason kahn
- keycode kernel open_flax
- Re: Re: PMSET was "Automatic power-on" or "pmacpow--would a .deb beworthwhile?" Michael Schmitz
- mac mini /sys stats micron
- Debian 3.1 LinuxTag 2005 on PowerBook G4 (Superdrive)? W. Borgert
- sid toolchain broken? Roger Leigh
- error by booting kernel 2.6.11 Guillaume Florey
- Orinoco WPA/WPA2 ready on Linux, or just WEP? Wolfgang Pfeiffer
- Re: therm_adt746x thomas
- [no subject] Concepcion Albright
- beagle on ppc micron
- [no subject] Kenneth Thayer
- MacOnLinux and Network Configuration Paolo
- DMA problems Gregory Seidman
- Howto Improve Performance? Rainer Gutkas
- Any software just for 15$ - 99$ Joyce
- Software distribution. Miriam
- Device "/dev/dsp" does not exist jason kahn
- Repositories J. De Salvo
- Take the office with you where ever you go... Margie
- Powerbook5,6 German keyboard Bernhard Reiter
- A 2.6.12 .deb? Eugen Dedu
- Turning off and hard lockup on older G3 iBook Ian Wienand
- keymap-install open_flax
- Re: Tahirden
- Only our software is guaranteed 100% legal. Maurice
- Power management issue on G3 iBook Erik de Castro Lopo
- Debian as only OS on a PowerBook G3 Klaus Ethgen
- Excellent everyday low prices on brand name and generic drugs Vincent
- Personalising technology solutions. Hilary
- where to download BootX Rainer Gutkas
- oops on resume from suspend to disk Itai Seggev
- Suspend to ram problem with pbbuttonsd ptitlouis
- updates to hfsplus partition unavailable until remount Tommy Trussell
- Finally xorg! Jack Malmostoso
- 2.6.12 debian powerpc kernels and ppc64 ... Sven Luther
- random hard resets Jose A. Ortega Ruiz
- Re: ivtv driver on PowerPC Sven Luther
- Re: RS/6000 7020 F50 System with sarge Sven Luther
- Re: Problems installing Debian Sarge on PReP PPC, (Motorola PReP Utah PowerStack II Pro4000) Sven Luther
- Re: ppc64 kernel? Sven Luther
- Re: Java and Azureus Paul Brossier
- Re: First time User Paul Brossier
- kernel install problems on ibook 2.2 with sarge mark de vries
- Webcam USB Philips Yves-Alexis Perez
- External monitor,ATI 9600 Ivelasco
- Booting on an Adaptec 2940 SCSI -- OldWorld Simon Vallet
- [shorty: Re: 2.6.12 debian powerpc kernels and ppc64 ...] Wolfgang Pfeiffer
- airport base stations Dean Hamstead
- kernel 2.6.12 debs? Spuhler, Peter
- DMA disabled after lost interrupt (on ibook) vivenzio
- subscribe Andre Souza
- Advice on new laptop Jose A. Ortega Ruiz
- xmodmap: ctrl-alt-f1 does not switch to console any more after upgrade Wolfgang Pfeiffer
- 404 not found F. Heitkamp
- X.Org on the Mac Mini Roger Leigh
- Re: Re: Backspace key -- ADB keyboard Kent, Valerie
- G3 iBook still hanging when coming out of sleep. Erik de Castro Lopo
- Playing DVD on 1.2G ibook Tsai Dung-Bang
- Re: unsupported apple hardware and darwin antaniux
- Explanations. fagel
- New iBook Marco Guidetti
- Oldworld-Mac:Howto copy the kernel to an hfs partition during istallation? Rainer Gutkas
- pbbutons and keyboard lights Yves-Alexis Perez
- Ibook on debian Marco Guidetti
- Re: Status Wichert Akkerman
- Sarge on Powerbook - Adjust brightness/contrast Michael Eckert
- problems on a 7500/100 powerpc Steven Gilbreath
- [patch] adbmouse && synaptics Luca Bigliardi - shammash
- Re: yaboot install g5 Daniel Ceballos
- bootcdwrite (ppc supported?) Alessandro De Zorzi
- Re: TV-out with Mac Mini Arne Caspari
- Few problems with PowerBook(5,7) Shiv Dayal
- Debian-edu powerpc CD'image Finn-Arne Johansen
- acroread+qemu Enrique Morfin
- Bug#320471: man-db 2.4.3-1 truncating man pages? Wolfgang Pfeiffer
- Re: compliation errors under heavy load Bin Zhang
- Re: Porting iScroll2's tricks ? Jérémy Bobbio
- gui on 1 gig 7500? is it possible *newbie question* Steven Gilbreath
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