debian-user Jan 2002 by thread
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apt-get segmentation fault Hélio
Re: OT: Language War (Re: "C" Manual) Ben Collins
sawfish and sawfish-gnome Rick Pasotto
tomcat and apache on woody Rachel Andrew
Re: Multiple workspaces with Sawfish and Gnome, session management and navigation Imre Vida
NVidia GeForce MX problems - "no screens found" Michael Dickey
Re: Toms Root Boot ElTorito Image csj
Sound newbie ... what is OSS, ALSA, etc all about? Randolph S. Kahle
j2sdk Kamil Jonca
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: j2sdk Paolo Alexis Falcone
apache vhost configuration Veit Waltemath
lp0 no longer works after I changed kernels; any ideas? Luke Call
X setup problem? connection to ":0,0" refused by server Paul Scott
Re: mkisofs USELESS #!@!#@* Walter Hofmann
Re: fetchmailconf problem Paul Mackinney
Re: is there any linux software that create animation csj
How to limit network traffic? Andreas Maresch
Woody and cable modem router james martinez
Trying to install Sun's Java2 Runtime Pontus Edvardsson
Re: ADAPTEC 2040U2W PROBLEM Paul Mackinney
Re: How can I get the Euro symbol? Phillip Deackes
Lost in apt-get camilo
Where are the man pages for the C library? Jor-el
Re: Exim and frozen error mails Stephen Gran
(Fwd) Re: Lost in apt-get Matt Chipman
No Users sound after compiling 2.4.17 techlists
X Install problems-Re-Install X only ? lee
Re: "C" Manual Paul Scott
Compiling kernel 2.4.16 error please help D.
xscreensaver requires manual activation Nori Heikkinen
Re: wwwoffle loading Newbie #61 Brenda J. Butler
Local imap from remote pop Michael D. Crawford
Re: Problem with libdvdread Alan Chandler
Upgrade potato -> woody William Burrow
Re: When will Woody be thawed ? David Teague
KDE - lpr clash Carlos Sousa
Is up? Seneca Cunningham
ifup fails on boot after upgrade to woody Curtis Brown
cannot add printers w/ CUPS Kurt Lieber
bash ? Jijo Jose A
upgrading xfree86 Deva Seetharam
how to edit and upload html page to isp web host? mikepolniak
Re: resuming apt-get downloads Osamu Aoki
XFree 4.1 on Potato Penguin
Can't get DPMS to work with woody/sid Rick Macdonald
MBR 13FA Paul A. Thomas
Re: lilo warning Jeff
mutt read-only mailbox? Robert L. Harris
Debian docs needed ! Amit Pansare
Re: multiple copies of getty running Newbie #61 Ian Balchin
trafstats bug #119623: How can I remove the package? Johann Spies
bug in /etc/hosts: hostname in loopback address Benjamin Low
gv: various font errors, "code 1 in findfont" Karsten M. Self
How to install SSL support in KDE2? Pontus Edvardsson
emergency shutdown? Simon R Tod
problem with NIC Marcelo Chiapparini
Fwd: Re: MAC Address and Ethx Bob Underwood
Re: Securing bind.. George Karaolides
The right way to power off a computer as non-root Thomas Deselaers
emacs21: changes in behaviour Johann Spies
Change number of characters displayed on line in text mode (tty0)? Abner Gershon
Just wondering... Carlos Sousa
Pine compile options Nick Furman
location of mysql files? Abner Gershon
Syslog-ng problem Ágics Balázs
Re: OT: Type safety (was: Language War (Re: "C" Manual)) Preben Randhol
Re: Want to talk about files and shredding them etc Dave Sherohman
[no subject] steven
cdrecord corrupts last files on a disc. 'read ahead' bug? Seth Delackner
Re: How to delete Exims' queue Dave Sherohman
[OT] Open Portable Document Format? Andras Simonyi
Squirrelmail with uw-imapd Chapman, Matt
Re: Tarball conversion Keith G. Murphy
i NEED THE AUREAL AU8830 DRIVER steven martinez
apt-move question Paul E Condon
printing stopped working--any ideas? Luke Call
Re: printing stopped working--any ideas? Luke Call
Re: printing stopped working--any ideas? Luke Call
Problem with mutt Sean Hendershot
Some guidance re reporting xemacs21/mailcrypt bug Iwan Vosloo
Cannot configure Network Thorsten Haude
2 network cards; one not recognized Pauwel Demeyer
Re: Python mx.DateTime Joel Rosdahl
Re: No color from my hpdj 690c after recent magicfilter upgrade (testing) Karsten M. Self
printing problem with lpr on new Potato installation Abner Gershon
Incorrect version number reported for mutt Walt Mankowski
Hardware advice needed Penguin
My xfree died when upgrading some packages... camilo
ISDN on Potato Penguin
KDE i386 binary debs Penguin
Bring up ppp link on shell Penguin
OpenGL header files: as .deb? Timo --Blazko-- Boewing
where's the ieee 1394 option in menuconfig Kurt Lieber
kernel complaint btrichter
soundcard not detected (after moving of NIC) Erik Steffl
how to print to a printer connected to win2000prof Hans Steinraht
/dev/dsp? Michael Jinks
Can't access aliased ip address Chad Morgan
Pause Paul A. Thomas
Re: how to reset the video mode? Karsten M. Self
Re: upgrading from potato Karsten M. Self
good video mpeg encoder library Michael O'Brien
Signatures William Burrow
The last update was on 14:23 GMT Sun May 24. There are 5731 messages. Page 1 of 12.
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