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Test module: Version conflict on a hello.o

I'm still looking for an answer to this, and I'm sorry if I missed any
that was posted.

I'm trying to do the example on pages 13-14 of Rubini's Linux Device
book, and I get the following diagnostic message when I do an insmod:

inneal:~/study# insmod hello.o
hello.o: kernel-module version mismatch
        hello.o was compiled for kernel version 2.2.20
        while this kernel is version 2.2.19.

and it doesn't show up in an lsmod listing.  When I do the command:

insmod -f hello.o

it shows up in the lsmod listing, but I don't get the printk output,
in the log, or interactively.  Anyone know what's going on here?  I am
Debian, and I've onlyu installed kernel stuff for 2.2.19 and I don't
where the 2.2.20 number is coming from unless it's an intentional break
security reasons for the stable distribution...?

TIA for any feedback.

Sincerely, Xeno Campanoli


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