debian-user Jul 2019 by subject
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Re: "Invalid arch-independent ELF magic" in grub after SSD migration
(bad) firewall status
3 phase power (was Re: Wireless home LAN - WiFi vs Bluetooth?
Re: 70-persistent-net-rules no longer supported?
70-persistent-net-rules no longer supported? (Was Re: Document removal of ecryptfs-utils from Buster)
Bitte vervollständigen Sie Ihre Newsletteranmeldung
[fixed] Re: Numeric keypad not working on Gnome lock screen
[Fwd: [Fwd: evolution keyboard shortcut]]
[Fwd: debian buster finger print authentication]
[Fwd: evolution keyboard shortcut]
[Fwd: Re: [Fwd: debian buster finger print authentication]]
[i3] [xrandr] xrandr cannot find output modes when execed on startup by i3
[OT] send all email from certain From: addresses into a spam
[OT] Trustfulness. Was: Re: fix for no ssh
[OT] USB stick failure is bizarre
[RESOLVED/Thanks] Re: Debian Perl or Brew Perl for production application?
[RESOLVED] Re: Failed to fetch
Re: [solved?] Can't Upgrade to Buster
[Solved] [Fwd: Hibernation takes too long]
Re: [SOLVED] tailf vs buster
Re: [SPAM] Re: Psychedelic GUI after stable update to buster
About haproxy and CVE-2019-14241
ACTUALIZADO: Politicas, Normas y Procedimientos Internos
After upgraded to Buster the Energy Settings is problematic: get blank scree on laptop and the power off is only applicable
Fwd: alternative Firmware for BMC's
amdgpu requires firmware installed
Ansible : User to use
Apt vs Apt-get (Was: Can't Upgrade to Buster}
apt-get install refuses to installs older versions of dependencies
aptitude new packages list forgets old
Re: armhf vs buster problem #2
Re: armv7 vs buster problem #3
Re: armv7 vs buster sudo complains about hostname or something
Re: Assorted arm-buster problems #1
Re: Assorted arm-buster problems - network configuration
Re: Attributing
Attributing (was: Choice of VMs under i386 Stretch?)
AW: apt-get install refuses to installs older versions of dependencies
awstats problem
Black screen after fresh install of buster
boinc messages (Was: gpm messages)
Buster : Failed to get global data: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service
buster changes vim mouse behavior again...
Buster install
Buster installer on USB searches for CDROM instead of using USB drive
buster irqbalance on 4.19.0-5 kernel?
Buster RC 1 upgrade to stable
Buster RC2 , KDE , icons's untuitive interactions.
Buster vmlinuz kernel...
buster, ekiga.
Can Grub Boot Through a USB Port on an Old PC?
Can status column be made to contain only ii?
Can't Upgrade to Buster
Cgroup memory limitations not working for user slices
Change the keyboard shortcut to switch tty.
Changing nameservers - WAS "Which resolv.conf file?"
Check your signing key expiration dates!
Re: Choice of VMs under i386 Stretch?
Re: Choice of VMs under i386 Stretch?
Chromium 76
Cinnamon statt Gnome?
clone ACL permissions
column - how to get it updated?
Correct: Re: Output from apt-get update.
dash/bash: exec behaviour change on Buster
Debian 10 Buster with Radeon FX 580
Debian 10 logrotate
Debian 10 software raid
Debian Buster and Chromium running scratch 3
debian buster finger print authentication
Debian Buster RC 2 wont start GUI on a Radeon HD 5750
Debian Buster VirtualBox guest does not show GUI
Debian Buster: Is it safe to use on autodefrag on a Btrfs filesystem that is used for (Restic) backup only with no Btrfs snapshots or subvolumes?
Debian Perl or Brew Perl for production application?
Disable Wired Ethernet at Boot
Displaylink issue after upgrading to Buster
The last update was on 07:07 GMT Sun Dec 20. There are 1519 messages. Page 1 of 4.
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