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Re: Assorted arm-buster problems - network configuration

On Fri, 2019-07-05 at 06:54 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 05 July 2019 02:56:39 Reco wrote:
> > Easy. You don't understand what the software does (Gene's here), or
> > you don't need its functions (I'm here) - you just do not install it.
> > You don't fight with it, you don't try to "disable" it in myriad ways,
> > and you do not build assorted kludges alongside of it - you do not
> > install it, simple as that.
> >
> Its not quite that simple on the arm's. You do the install there by 
> dd'ing the complete filesystem image to the boot media, usually a u-sd,

That may be the simplest way, but not the only way. You could boot the
installer and install the OS from scratch.

> so you get that crap regardless and must physically remove it

That's the price you pay for having the convenience of using prebuilt
images. The alternative of using Debian's installer would have it's own
headaches of trying to work out how to run it, then after to install
and get working the non-free drivers for graphics (and wifi?). And no
doubt there are other mods needed to get things working properly for a
particular board, e.g. getting kernel updates installing correctly.

So, prebuilt images with networking choices that don't suit you is
probably the lesser of the two evils ;-)


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