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Re: column - how to get it updated?

On Thu, 25 Jul 2019, Richard Hector wrote:

On 25/07/19 3:26 PM, Andrew Punnett wrote:

Debian currently uses the `column` command from FreeBSD. However,
the `column` command included in the util-linux package from the
Linux Kernel Organisation is much more useful.

There is a bug report about this at
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=908975, which
ends with the Debian util-linux package maintainer stating:

[SNIPPED, in order to insert immediately-prior context from bugreport]

"If you want the bsdutils to provide (util-linux version of) the tools
you need to convince the bsdmainutils maintainers that they should
stop shipping theirs, since we can't have file collisions between
different packages (ie. debian policy forbids two different packages
to provide the same file)."

"Until you've convinced the bsdmainutils maintainers we should
change to the util-linux versions, there's nothing that can be done
on the util-linux/bsdutils side - thus the wontfix tag."

How can we persuade the Debian bsdmainutils package maintainers to
allow the Linux version of column to be shipped?

Can't they all get along by using /etc/alternatives?

I don't think file collisions are the kind of thing the debian
alternatives system is meant to solve.

 The day will come              |  Last words, August Spies (1855--1887).
 When our silence will be       |  Hanged, by the U.S. state of Illinois,
 More powerful than             |  alongside fellow journalists
 The voices you strangle today  |  Adolf Fischer and Albert Parsons.

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