debian-user Jul 2003 by thread
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Re: removing a package from apt-get? Ken Bloom
debian popularity contest mail bounce K S Sreeram
Re: Evolution 1.4 bug? Andreas Liebe
Bash question Stephan Sauerburger
Re: 'apt-get upgrade' Over Slow Connection Manolis Tzanidakis
Re: cups... nothing prints Manolis Tzanidakis
Re: inetd on a desktop machine Thomas Krennwallner
Re: locale not supported by C library Peter Hugosson-Miller
Re: GRUB problem cr
Re: /. debate Paul Johnson
apt-get / sources.list thomas . gies
Re: kernel-source-2.4.21 from unstable with woody Nick Hastings
avr-gcc/avr-libc thomas . gies
Sid IMAP & PHP4, TWIG: cannot login b . w
Re: Install xfree and gnome Mark C
HOWTO change a subscriber email address ? Courtney Thomas
Gnome 2 fonts : weird behaviour in SID Dominique Deleris
Re: deb http://people forbidden James Strandboge
mozilla url tab autocomplete John Habermann
gdm help Robert Soricone
openbox3 gerard
Woody / SMP - how to set up Neal Lippman
Re: [Urgent] Samba problem Danthevb6man
--purge after apt-get remove? Tod Hagan
Apache is killed everyday at 6:28 Maria Garcia Suarez
start up problems with KDE frank lowe
xosd: can't get it to work.... Joel Alexandre
2.4.21 not compiling SYNeR
Logitech QuickCam 4000 Pro Driver Install and Kernel Build dhobner
RE: Backup XP box to Debian system Stephen Mayes
samba error caleb vaale
Automount JZidar
How to use xine to see vcd in debian? James Ng Yuen Sum
Re: port forwarding issues Bas Zoetekouw
Re: please help me to editi xconfig Sebastian Kapfer
XFree86 4.3 Joeri De Backer
Re: Jerky Screen Saver Jerry
Re: Remove With Understanding Due Work, Power And Nature Of I Associative We Pigeon
caching for shfs, lufs Gregory Seidman
Kernel image for amd xp 1900+ tt tt
NFS tt tt
dselect Thomas Gies
unsubscribe Curtis Dunlap
Newbie Question Abrasive
How to change a symlink without breaking anything (problems with g++) Morten Eriksen
Forcing installation over unmet dependencies Morten Eriksen
Odd Firebird Issue James Lademann
Re: Upgrading the kernel Kristian Peters
Problems with ncurses in X Paladin
gdm and /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile matt zagrabelny
via-rhine & dhclient Piero
Acpi support fails (2.4.21) Joan Tur
Trying Again Abrasive
installing saxon Emma Jane Hogbin
Kernel Build Methodology Johan Parin
Dual head text console / X HOWTO sought Pigeon
Re: please help me to edit Xconfig! Rthoreau
Re: apt-get /sorces.list! Rthoreau
Serial terminal program? Michael D. Crawford
OT: Limit on maximum # of threads in Linux? Holger Rauch
Recommended hardware DGLUser
Zero Footprint hardware question Moe Binkerman
odd font problem Bret Comstock Waldow
re:Woody/SMP how to set up! Rthoreau
GTK font issues Steve Lamb
installing phpgroupware : getting the index.php page exec'd with apache Pedro Mullor
Re: How to shutup syslog [SOLVED] Ross Boylan
help for backporting Geoff Crompton
Does anyone use an All-in-One Printer? Jake Johnson
Re[2]: please help me to edit xconfig Reza
Sound card recommendations? Kirk Strauser
Re: ext3 and Kernel 2.4.18 Paladin
Promise SATA150 TX2plus Mustafa Al-Shawaf
windowmaker not showing icons for running applications K S Sreeram
Re: Connecting remotely to my home computer Shawn Lamson
Determine what font is selected? Bill Moseley
[Fwd: installing phpgroupware : getting the index.php page exec'd with apache] Pedro Mullor
re: tasksel, first time with debian Iain Buchanan
apt-get dist-upgrade w/ testing and unstable in sources.list Reckhard, Tobias
crontab bug? LeVA
package madness upgrading stable pin Stuart Zilm
Re: Floppy/network install question Colin Watson
package origins Stuart Zilm
Cisco router simulator? Paul Johnson
Documentation of logcheck Lukas Ruf
new debian box reboots itself? i'll teach you to turn away .
NorhTec MicroServer HP Matthew Kopishke
Setting up one machine with two monitors, keyboards and mice Shri Shrikumar
How to install Debian 3.0 with an ServeRaid COntroller (ips) ??? Yildiz, Murat
transfer video from camcoder to computer suresh kumar sharma
Kernel to a laptop? Jon Haugsand
Turn on DMA on boot Dan Collis Puro
Re: net config Jon Ramsey
make-kpkg fully recompiles kernel Ricardo BUG!Herrmann
OT? problem Paul E Condon
different versions of mozilla in parallel Lukas Ruf
Intel D875PBZ or MSI 87P NEO-FIS2R Dave Howorth
Logrotate postscript not able to find just-compressed log Ian Stevens
Wrapping CGI and PHP Scripts Anand Atreya
error installing Display Drivers Abrasive
Re: Debian and S3 ProsavageDDR KM 266 Julian Hernandez
E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libpam0g Niall Mansfield
command execution upon ssh nori heikkinen
Proftp notify Pawel Slabiak
Problems with SCSI aic79xx driver in 2.4.21 kernel...., 'attempting to abort cmd xxxxx' Walter Tautz
Re: How to make the debian system shut down with power off? Kjetil Kjernsmo
cdrecord warning message Rick Pasotto
Re: weird tcpdump dependency on libaviplaydha Vineet Kumar
Re: X doesn't exit nicely Vineet Kumar
Where does Mozilla get its list of printers? Kirk Strauser
Re: Debian lilo won't boot Redhat Vineet Kumar
firebird + character display Emma Jane Hogbin
Help! Can mount iso image during sarge busybox installation Zhao YouBing
bash: a pipe bodge, is there a better way ? David selby
Generating custom ssl certificate Miranda, Joel Louie M
SPICE for Debian Pigeon
Enabling ssl on web? Miranda, Joel Louie M
Repartitioned, now can't mount root Ryan Heise
Help! Can't mount iso during sarge installation( busybox) Zhao YouBing
OT: How to get IP address via Samba name? Kent West
Debian 2.1 Interface - GUI? leslie munchenbotch
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