debian-amd64 Feb 2004 by thread
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trying to get radeon dri working Tom Vier
pure64 and biarch64: lessons in biology Josh Hansen
AMD64 64bit vs 32bit speed increase Chris Cheney
postgresql packages Dan Helfman
who DOES have dri working? (on k8w?) Tom Vier
new XFree 4.2.1 for amd64 available Mickael Marchand
apt-get failure with xlibs package Mickael Marchand
Status Update John Goerzen
Another status update John Goerzen
Installing pure64 from scratch dhess-debian-amd64
XFree 4.3.0-2 packages for pure amd64 available Mickael Marchand
[pure amd64] libtool tests breakage Mickael Marchand
Pure64 Status Update John Goerzen
Fixing up the webpage John Goerzen
[pure amd64] patched openssl pkgs Mickael Marchand
Seeking a kernel package John Goerzen
WARNING John Goerzen
native port: fast mutexes broken Tom Vier
no gcc -m32 = 2.6.3 doesn't build Tom Vier
As Seen on IRC Josh Hansen
[pure amd64] current libxrender1 broken Mickael Marchand
i need a biarch toolchain for the native port Tom Vier
openssl? pure 64-bit kernel? David Liontooth
Blackdown java Brendan Ragan
Clarification? Scott Robert Ladd
g77-3.3 (1:3.3.2-0pre4.biarch1) fails to compile Sanzo Miyazawa
rpc.mountd dies when unmounted Sanzo Miyazawa
Max. memory size for 32 bit binaries in amd64/x86 Sanzo Miyazawa
Biarch chroot on a 686 NFS server? Adam C Powell IV
Building a pure64 kernel using pure64 tools Alex Perry
ssh and sysklogd Alex Perry
libwrap0 but not -dev?? Adam C Powell IV
FYI: gcc-3.4 prerelease source package Matthias Klose
ssh, xdm, octave, sysklogd, linuxlogo Alex Perry
Re: libwrap0 but not -dev?? and Re: Alioth Packages file out of date? Sanzo Miyazawa
[Fwd: linuxlogo: Fails to detect Athlon64 processor type and states UNKNOWN instead] Alex Perry
problem installing modules in kernel 2.4.25, and some general questions Peter Cordes
pure64 - compiling kdelibs and kdebase Josh Hansen
32-bit testing and 64-bit kernel Hugo Mills
i'm desperate for a biarch toolchain! Tom Vier
The last update was on 22:15 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 417 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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