debian-user Sep 2020 by subject
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"ps -o %mem" and free memory in Linux
(solved) Re: ssh fingerprint mismatch for one single client
32 versus 64 bit reading list suggestions
Re: When I log in it just shows my username and the $~ Iʼm completely new
Re: When I log in it just shows my username and the $~ I’m completely new
Re: When I log in it just shows my username and the $~ I’m completely new
Re: When I log in it just shows my username and the $~ I’m completely new
When I log in it just shows my username and the $~ I’m completely new
[LibrePlanet]: New Presentation
[SOLVED] Re: Juk hangs after launch
[SOLVED] Re: libvirt guest bridge configuration
[SOLVED] Re: Riddling activity on encrypted and mounted partition
[SOLVED] Re: VirtualBox - vboxpci
Access ZFS pool in debian 10 single user mode
Amazon Workspaces Linux Client?
arc_meta_used > arc_meta_limit, need tuning hints
Bad homepage reference for xorriso
baloo_file_extr -- how to disable or remove it?
Re: Best way to install not-last-version package (on Testing)?
booting details
Bug in Clamav Package
Bug report: prog run via keyboard shortcut gets a different SSH agent?
Bullseye Alpha 2 Netinst CD fails to boot
bullseye LTS?
Buster with MATE without systemd
Can one install packages from Parrot or Kali on Debian testing? (Was: Re: Hi :))
Can't activate my account
Can't log in after Stretch to Buster upgrade
crc not installed but rsync using it? ...
Create 3D text?
cron consolekit no such file
Debian 9.13 perl-5.24-1 compile from source dist/Time-HiRes Warning: No Makefile!
Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2020 #932
Deterministic delays in POSIX shell scripts (Was: Re: notify via virtual terminal available packages)
dhcp bridge for virtual machines using KVM
diskless system's limited dhcp support
dist-upgrade wants to deinstall lots of packages?
download Facebook group?
Re: favorites disappear from application menu
folders (was Re: Why can't I move the document root for a site in Apache 2? [SOLVED])
Folders [was: Why can't I move the document root for a site in Apache 2? [SOLVED]]
Genesys card reader driver "unknown" on NUC 10i7
GNU Guix
Having filesystems mounted with the user option be owned by the user that mounts them?
Help - How to paste from host (Debian) to Virtual machine (Win10)
Re: Re: history/history.db files appearing
How do I blacklist a package?
how to remove GUI
how to rescue lxc?
Re: how to test disk for bad sector
ifup gets different IPv6 address than Network Manager
Re: Installing/launching MATE in a command line environment
Internal error: couldn't generate list of packages to download
Juk hangs after launch
Re: keyboard configuration stops working
LEAN Debian install: Exploring task selection menu
libvirt guest bridge configuration
Linphone contacts.
linux isn't robust enough to handle bad sector??
Looking for a generic drag and drop gui for custom commands
LXDE and Applets
Mail transfer agent
Re: Mail transfer agent (debian-user-digest Digest V2020 #932)
Re: make a drawing
my pc is shutdown unexpectedly
The last update was on 00:00 GMT Tue May 31. There are 941 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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