Re: Can't log in after Stretch to Buster upgrade
On Fri Sep 4 08:56:44 2020 Mike Kupfer <>
> wrote:
>> I'll continue puttering for a few more days - maybe others will
>> some ideas.
> So were there any errors or warnings in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
Nothing there.
> I'd also check for error messages in $HOME/.xsession-errors.
Bingo. The last line was:
OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 1010104f, you have 1010006f
I had been seeing errors regarding openssh-server, but I saw them as
a separate problem I'd get to later. It seems, though, to be
logins as well. I figured that removing and re-installing anything
to do with SSH or SSL might kill two birds with one stone. I tried
various combinations, culminating with
# apt purge openssh-server openssh-client openssh-sftp-server openssl
# apt install openssh-server openssh-client openssh-sftp-server
The install attempts invariably returned the same error message as
was appearing in ~/.xsession-errors. It's as if there were old
lying around that were interfering with the upgrade.
# find . -print | grep -i ssh [output abridged]
I tried moving various combinations of these modules off to a
quarantine directory, but still no joy.
I appreciate everyone's help, but my machine has been down for nearly
a week, and I have work to do. I have wiped the root partition and
installed Buster from scratch; I can log in again and /home is intact.
(Having /home in its own partition is a life-saver.) The time I spend
re-installing packages and re-building my setup will surely be less
than what I've lost so far.
Once I get my system re-built, I'm going to back up my root partition:
# dd if=/dev/sda1 | gzip >/mnt/backup/sda1.img.gz
Then, if an attempted upgrade fails, I'll just restore the entire root
partition, and live to fight another day.
-- (Charlie Gibbs)
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
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