Re: Journal
On Thu, 3 Sep 2020 11:11:56 -0400
Dan Ritter <> wrote:
> Pelican is a static site generator. You write your content in
> MarkDown or RST, and then Pelican compiles it into a website by
> applying a theme and CSS styles.
> Performance is high, because your webserver is only handing out
> existing files. Security is high, because your webserver isn't
> allowing any writes to anything.
> My personal blog is at
> You can see many examples at
> Pelican is packaged for Debian. Although we are a few releases
> behind mainline, the difference is all in new features, not
> security.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm not looking for a CMS system, just
a diary. Either Robojournal (if it was maintained) or Lifeograph (if it
worked at all) would be fine.
For now, I'll go with phpMyAdmin, and throw together a frontend in PHP
when I have time and enthusiasm.
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