On 09/09/2020 12:12 PM, Brian wrote:
On Wed 09 Sep 2020 at 19:56:05 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:On Mi, 09 sep 20, 08:27:13, Richard Owlett wrote:1. Download bandwidth or data cap constraints. {aggravated by treating "recommends" as "depends"}If you are referring to package maintainers declaring Depends on other packages where it should be just a Recommends, do note it is often a side effect of users disabling automatic installation of Recommends and then complaining about missing functionality.I believe the OP is referring to debootstrap's inability to install only Depends:.
No. Apt and cousins allow not installing recommends. There was a recent thread where someone stated that option not available when installing the system. More when I wake up.