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Re: how to remove GUI

On Thu, 10 Sep 2020 23:33:21 -0500
"Michael Morgan" <michaelmorgan937@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear friend, 
> I recently installed Debian 9.13 on my machine. I was planning to use
> it for scientific computation so GUI is not necessary. For some
> reason, I installed the desktop environment with LXDE desktop during
> installation. Later I decided to remove them. 

As Andrei has said, 'if I was going there then I wouldn't start from

It really would be a lot quicker to reinstall than to spend days trying
to identify what you need to remove. When the time comes in the
installer, don't select anything at all, remove all the ticks, and you
will get a fairly minimal console-only installation.

Alternatively, remove the Display Manager (gdm, xdm, etc.) and whatever
GUI you have remaining should never start, you should boot into just a
console. Only if you have a really tiny hard drive will the wasted
space be a problem.


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