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Genesys card reader driver "unknown" on NUC 10i7

I'm running debian 4.19.0-10-amd64 on a NUC10i7FNH1 and what I need works except for the card reader.  I get:

mmc0: Unknown controller version (5). You may experience problems. 
mmc0: SDHCI controller on PCI [0000:02:00.0] using ADMA 64-bit
mmc0: 1.8V regulator output did not became stable

I've  installed all the latest BIOS and added firmware-iwlwifi and firmware-misc-nonfree but can't find which package has Genesys drivers.

To add to my confusion,  It was intalled on a NUC10i7FNK2 here, and the reader was recognized.  I thought that was the same hardware. 

Bruce Morgan

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