Hi there. On 11/09/2020 01.40, Michael Morgan wrote:
I recently installed Debian 9.13 on my machine. I was planning to use it for scientific computation so GUI is not necessary. For some reason, I installed the desktop environment with LXDE desktop during installation. Later I decided to remove them. These two commands were executed: tasksel remove desktop apt purge $(tasksel --task-packages desktop)
(...) If you don't mind, I see at least two options:1 - see what packages you would like to have/need and reinstall from scratch, if you can afford a re-installation. 2 - if you don't want/can't reinstall, then I would install aptitude and use its interactive interface for selecting the packages that you need.
I like option 2 and whenever I install any Debian system, that's one of the first packages that I install (and I completely ignore this tasks thing). I like my installs to be absolutely minimal at first (they will inevitably grow with time).
That being said, the system where I am typing this right now has its filesystem timestamp indicating that it was created in 2011...
Regards, Rogério Brito.