Looking for a generic drag and drop gui for custom commands
Dear all,
I'd like to "automate" a couple of tasks that I (until now) do on the
command line manually. Examples include splitting of video files using
ffmpeg, run backups with specific parameters, display checksums(md5), etc.
I'm tired of typing the same long commands that I often need to look up
in my wiki and just replace one or two parameters, usually just the file
So I was thinking about writing an application which will do just what I
want. But then I thought: Maybe someone did that already! ;-)
So that's my question:
Is there a kind of generic drag and drop gui for custom commands?
My idea is that I'd start up the gui and select a task (e. g. split a
video file). A command line will be loaded (maybe from a config file)
with placeholders for input, output and other parameters.
I will then drag some file on the gui and the filename will be used as a
parameter, in this case as the input file.
Then I will click some run button, which executes the command.
Ideally the output and exit code will be displayed.
Any hints will be appreciated.
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