Re: Looking for a generic drag and drop gui for custom commands
On 2020-09-08 05:16, Christoph K. wrote:
David Christensen wrote:
I'll probably go with the QT GUI Framework with either C++ or Python as
programming language.
Those sound like plausible choices.
Will the app include accessibility features? Privacy? Security?
That response may not be compatible with releasing the software or using
external development infrastructure.
But if you keep it personal use only, many issues go away.
Will you use any external development infrastructure (e.g SourceForge,
I'm not planning to do that, but if a lot of people find my command-gui
useful, I might do that. Are you interested? ;-)
I have come to a realization:
Moore's Law -- "The king is dead!".
Amdahl's Law -- "Long live the new king!".
The future is concurrent distributed programming.
My preferred tool has been Perl for 20+ years. I have been struggling
with writing multi-threaded apps, libraries, and frameworks in Perl for
a several years now. Distributed execution will be a whole new Odyssey.
If and when I give up, Erlang is at the top of my list.
Choose your tools carefully.
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