Re: how to remove GUI
On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 09:02:30AM -0400, Kenneth Parker wrote:
> I am actually curious, what SystemD does, if it expects,
> yet the tools (x11, desktop, etc) are no longer available?
It boots just as you would expect. If there is no display manager
installed, then none will be executed. At that point, you can login
on the console, and either work that way, or run "startx" to start
an X session, exactly the way you did before systemd.
There are a few *minor* differences. The biggest is that the X session
stays running on the same tty where you ran startx, rather than switching
to the first idle VT. It's also significantly harder to get the system
to stop clearing the screen after booting, after you logout, and so on.
And every once in a while, the cursor moves to the start of the line a
few seconds after the login prompt has been displayed, but hitting Enter
fixes that.
Other than that, it's pretty much the same.
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