debian-user Apr 1999 by thread
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octave segfaults? Obi
halflife wcaskey
Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error? Ramiel Givergis
Linus Torvalds at the Pearly Gates Jonathan Hayward
kernel compile Rick Smith
big problem at login Pollywog
Communicator-4.51 weirdness George Bonser
Dselect (apt-get update) segfaults... feedle
Re: 386/4MB RAM? vandeveb
dselect error: unmet dependencies: perl needs perl-base Jeff Hill
kget won't work after reinstall of KDE Pollywog
weird logs Pollywog
ctrl-H -> backspace FAQ Seth M. Landsman
ldconfig errors Pollywog
graphic "df" type of util for Linux? Matt Garman
test Paul Lowe
Epson Stylus Color 640/slink+potato Jim Gould
ATI 3D Pro Turbo PC2TV graphic card + ATI-TV tuner card setup David Nelson
Newbie setting up StarOffice... David Nelson
Help with Netscape Shao Zhang
Lib/prog problem? wcaskey
RedHat -> Debian Alex toropov
modem & setserial (auto dialup out there?) debian
Distribution khaled samy
Help on dselect johannes nortje
netscape library problem (! libc5) Vincent Murphy
Re: alsa Holger Mense
EGCS question Stephen Pitts
Re: enlightenment/slink .xinitrc Stephen Pitts
Re: Upgrading slink -> potato Stephen Pitts
inetd produces odd log entries Pollywog
Unsuccesfully mounting cdrom. Jaakko Tuosa
GNOME 1.0 .deb package? William R Pentney
Re: hamm to slink with upgrade Marc Haber
tunnelling ssh over https proxy thomas lakofski
Slink upgrade problems Mike Nachlinger
mail oddity James Starr
Microsoft Announces MS-Linux Mike Nachlinger
unable to load isofs during install Marlon Urias
Re: ddd and glibc2.1 shaul
X & locales problems. José
IMM.o driver module for Zip Drives Rob Lundahl
I really need help! Nuno Donato
isdnctrl dialmode Bon Lam
float matrices under MuPAD (was: What DO you lose with Linux ???) Mark Phillips
SB 128 PCI w/2.1 kernel Randy Edwards
where to find dbootstrap source?? Paul Dubbell
Hardware Upgrade: More RAM or SCSI? Jeff Hill
Multiple sources for APT Paul Miller
access for non-us packages Pat Greenwood
error running make Shawn Nguyen
Debian T-shirt Paul Lowe
compiling gvim(vim) + where are help files Micha Feigin
Newbie Questions Chris Mayes
Exim Mail filters for Macro and other VIRUS? Kent Andersen
dhcpcd problems Mark Wagnon
/dev/isdnctrl Operation not supported.... Ries van Twisk
processing Micha Feigin
scheme, SLIB and JACAL Mark Phillips
Potato and egcs George Bonser
Slink Install: Kernel Unpacking & Sound Problems John Stevenson
Gnuplot 3.7 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Debian 2.1 iso source.. Gurra db
Getting ISDN connection with kernel >= 2.2.4 Nuno Carvalho
netscape ignore's clicks John Leget
Broken Config. in! ktb
Wvdial permissions Chris Mayes
[no subject] Sharon Martin
Partitions and install problem Stefan Langerman
GNOME query Hamish Moffatt
Re: Help with cdwriting Dietmar Schultz
top like drive usage utility? Chris Brown
Linux Today article Mitch Blevins
fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel Johann Spies
Install - which device drivers? Stefan Langerman
Good MP3 encoder wax_man
network interface Jianbo Wang
vi in Debian (slink) Pollywog
C Programming problem (termios) Wayne Topa
Newbie question on dselect Rick Tan
Help with /etc/printcap wax_man
Re: lossless partitioning Carl Wiebe
PAM status George Bonser
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