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modem & setserial (auto dialup out there?)

First: I could swear there was a script floating around 
to have your machine dial up your ISP & email the IP 
address to you. I thought it was in an early issue of 
Linux Gazette. Does anyone know if & where I might find 
such a creature?

I'd write it myself, except I'm frustrated with my ppp
dial up script as it is. It worked fine under some old 
slackware distribution, but when I upgraded completely
to Debian hamm (I now run slink) I began having one minor
problem: after dialing up & turning off the connection
the modem would be 'hung' and I have to run the hylafax 
probemodem script. 

Last night I read some man pages (very large thankyou to 
those involved with setting up the HTML documentation 
structure) and thought I discovered the problem in the 
closing_waits of setserial. closing_wait2seems 'stuck' 
at infinte. 

Anyhow, I'm attaching the setserial output and my ppp 
scripts. TIA!!!



Immediately after turning on my machine:

< 103 5:50am grey-cat:~> setserial /dev/ttyS2 -a
/dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
        Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
        closing_wait: 3000, closing_wait2: infinte
        Flags: spd_normal skip_test

grey-cat:~#  setserial /dev/ttyS2 closing_wait none closing_wait2 3000
grey-cat:~# setserial -a  /dev/ttyS2 
/dev/ttyS2, Line 2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
        Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
        closing_wait: none, closing_wait2: infinte
        Flags: spd_normal skip_test

#! /bin/tcsh 

set PPPDIR=/etc/ppp
#  Customizing Section
set ID 	 = MN1
set IDst = "MN1"
set PHONE=12159651902
set USER=greycat@martnet.com
set DEBUG=15
set name = ppp-on-$ID
set EXEC=/usr/sbin
set DEVICE=ttyS2
set IRQ=5
set chat="-did not execute-."
set flag = ""
set pppdflag = ""
if ($DEBUG == 5) set flag = "-V"
if ($DEBUG == 15) set pppdflag = "debug"
if ($DEBUG == 15) set flag = "-V"

if ($1 == "-h") then
  echo " $IRQ closing_wait none closing_wait2 3000

chown root /dev/$DEVICE
chmod 666 /dev/$DEVICE
stty -F /dev/$DEVICE sane
stty -F /dev/$DEVICE  38400 -tostop crtscts -ixon 

echo $name": PPP call, connecting to "$IDst

($EXEC/chat $flag  SAY          "CHATTING\n"   \
                   REPORT       CONNECT        \
                   ABORT        "NO CARRIER"   \
                   ABORT        "BUSY"         \
                   ""           AT\&F\&C1\&D2  \
                   OK           ATDT$PHONE     \
                   CONNECT      ""	       ) < /dev/$DEVICE >

set chat = $status
if ($DEBUG >= 5) echo "\n"
if ($DEBUG >= 2) echo $name": chat returns "$chat

if ( $chat == 0 )  then

  if ( $DEBUG >= 2 ) echo $name": Chat successful"

  $EXEC/pppd /dev/$DEVICE 115200 $pppdflag modem crtscts noipdefault user
$USER  < /dev/$DEVICE > /dev/$DEVICE &

elseif ( $chat == 4 )  then
  echo $name": Chat failed because there was no dial tone."
  echo "\t\t(Check for messages)"
elseif ( $chat == 5 )  then
  echo $name": Chat failed on because the line was busy."
  echo $name": Chat failed on with value "$chat"."

echo $name": End of "$name" script."


#! /bin/tcsh
set name = ppp-off
set vs = "vs1.1 linux"
set date = "970601 JEB"
set PPPDIR=/etc/ppp
set debug = 0
#  Customizing Section
set P_LOCKDIR=/var/run
set P_DEVICE=ppp

# If the ppp0 pid file is present then the program is running. Stop it.
if ( -r $P_LOCKDIR/${P_DEVICE}*.pid ) then
        if ($debug >= 10) then 
	  cat $P_LOCKDIR/${P_DEVICE}*.pid
	  ls -l $P_LOCKDIR/
	kill -INT `cat $P_LOCKDIR/${P_DEVICE}*.pid`
	set dead = $status
# If unsuccessful, ensure that the pid file is removed.
	if ($dead != 0) then
		echo $name": removing stale ${P_DEVICE} pid file."
		rm -f $P_LOCKDIR/${P_DEVICE}*.pid
		exit 1
	# Success. Terminate with proper status.
	echo $name": $P_DEVICE link terminated"
	exit 0
# The link is not active
echo $name": $P_DEVICE link is not active"
exit 1

Judith E. Bush                                    judith@greycat.net
P O Box 7559                                       AOL IM judielaine
Philadelphia PA 19101

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