debian-devel Jan 1998 by subject
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"Cathedral and Bazzar" meeting with Silicon Valley CEO's
Re: #17414: /usr/include/asm empty?
*** New Deity Members ***
*-* auto-upgrade from rex to hamm
.orig.tar.gz which unpacks into `pwd`
/usr/bin disappeared. Do we really follow FSSTND?
2 versions of netcat
[ Re: libc/430: getservbyname (name, NULL) not working]
[comp.os.linux.development.apps] RPM/DPKG for Commercial Use?
[Fwd: Bug#16660: metro-motif-aout: depends on xcompat which is in project/orphaned]
[ (J.H.M.Dassen)] Re: Reminder: ddd_2.2.1-2_i386.changes was rejected
[ Bug#17545: sendfile: sendfile modifies /etc/profile which is owned by bash]
[ (Mail Delivery Subsystem)] Returned mail: User unknown
Re: [off topic?] NBSD - Not-So-Bad Distribution
[off-topic] rm -r on a used directory
about policy manuals (was Re: dpkg-genchanges failing - why?)
action of dh_installmenu
adduser in hamm dumps core !
adopting xspread
afbackup now nearly GPL-ed
Re: Alpha problems...
Am I missing somthing _realy_ easy??
Announce: Yet Another Text Editor (Yate)
Anybody tried to compile COAS ?
Anybody working on the amanda-package?
Anyone using dhelp with netscape?
Anyone working on new lyx version?
Anyone working on new rxvt version?
apsfilter or magicfilter
Re: AucTeX/flpr
Re: autmake & debian?
autmake & debian? (was: Re: cron jobs more often than daily)
Autocompilation of Packages
autoup notes
autoup script v0.16
autoup script v0.17
Autoupgrade kit needs testing.
autoupgrade script
AXP dist available somewhere ?
Re: Bleeding edge FTP repository updated to glibc2 + egcs.
bloated wtmp
bo-unstable 'menu' seems to affect at least xlock programs
bo-updates - tcl troubles
bo-updates coordination
bo-updates progress
boot disks
boot-floppies progress
braille rescue disk
Broken smail config
Fwd: Bug reports in debian bug system.
Bug Statistics
Bug system changed
Re: Bug#16409: acknowledged by developer (libdb2 is not DFSG-free.)
Re: Bug#16663: lyx: depends on xforms0
Re: Bug#16718: kon2: should be Architecture: i386
Bug#16727: project: xload is no longer available.
Re: Bug#16976: grmonitor: depends on glut3g when package is called glutg3
Re: Bug#17107: ae: Some (important) function keys don't work in an xterm
Re: Bug#17137: fbset doesn't compile
Re: Bug#17225: Integrating main, "non-us" ftp site
Re: Bug#17333: ssh: ssh-agent security vulnerability
Re: Bug#17458: fidogate: binary-arch tries to chown to a non-existent user
Re: Bug#17458: fidogate: binary-arch tries to chown to a non-existent user
BugTraq [was: Re: ICQJava]
calendar for 1998
Can I divert update-rc.d
cannot access bug tracking database
Checklist request
Compaq is Buying Digital
compiling kernels (was: debian-devel-digest Digest V98 #69)
Confusion over device major:minor numbering...
Consens for `Filename: ' in Packages file?
content negotiation for language in web pages
copyright question
Copyright question: GPL patches for non-GPL packages
Creating a Squeak Package
cron jobs more often than daily
crontabs + m4 = ?
custom bo problems
Custom library for emacs 19.34 ?
DEB Files
debhelper design change - RFC (long)
Re: Debian & Win95 files... && FAT32
Re: debian 2.0 - any dates?
Debian 2.0 release requirements
Debian 2.0: Checklist automated
Debian and memory
debian and sparc...
Re: Debian and the millenium bug
Debian logo license still not resolved
Debian Release Roadmap
Debian's machines and net access
Debian's PCMCIA support is weak and buggy
debian-devel archives?
Re: debian-devel-digest Digest V98 #69
debian-user FAQ: your help is needed!
Re: Debian: dhelp priority standard?
Re: Dependencies
Dependency and priority mismatches
Deselect problems.
Developer in Atlanta or Phoenix?
Developers in Seattle, WA
Development man pages problem...
Re: Device files
dftp (was: please upgrade your packages to current standards)
Re: dhelp 0.2 - a online help system
Re: dhelp and doc-base (was Re: [Fwd: dhelp support?])
Different versions for different architectures
Re: Dinner with Ian Jackson in S.F. Saturday
dld, bo-unstable progress
doc-base 0.1 released
dpkg's version comparison algorithm?
dpkg-ftp for testing (Was: Preparing
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