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Re: cron jobs more often than daily

On Fri, Jan 16, 1998 at 11:38:11AM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:

> Hang on, I just re-read this, and realize one thing this does give us,
> besides more complexity: have you ever wanted to change a cron job from
> weekly to daily, etc? With the current setup, you must copy the conffile to
> the different directory, and delete it, which means future fixes to that 
> conffile don't get propigated onto your system. If all the cron scripts 
> were put in a common directory, paralleling /etc/init.d/, then you could 
> just change symlinks, and this problem goes away. Neat!

Just keep in mind when thinking about this that sysklogd has both
a script in cron.daily and a script in cron.weekly.



    / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
   / To-Zeilen in öffentlichen Nachrichten ist FidoNet-Technologie /
  / <gröll>                                            ^^^^^^^^^^ /
 / ... endlich 'mal wieder ein echt gelungener Witz!!!           /
/                                              -- Rainer Scholz /

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