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Re: Alpha problems...

jdassen@wi.leidenuniv.nl wrote:

> I don't think it would be a great problem for most packages. However, I
> don't trust egcc enough yet. There have been reports of bad kernels as a
> result of compilation with egcs (http://www.reference.com, mailing lists,
> "egcs + kernel").

The original recommendation that I posted was for the Alpha and any
other architectures that may have problems with the current "stable"
gcc. On the Alpha, at least, I have never had a problem with an
egcs-compiled kernel (I hear x86 kernels have had problems if compiled
by egcs, but I believe that's been resolved now).

> egcc and gcc already use "alternatives" for /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++.
> I think it would be best to modify our policy to recommend "CC=cc" and
> "CXX=c++" (rather than the current recommendation "CC=gcc"), and let the
> package maintainer decide to which compiler this corresponds too. If we
> decide to go with egcc for a particular port, the porter can simply set the
> appropriate links.

Hmm...the only problem is that libstdc++-dev conflicts with libg++-dev,
which could cause a problem if both are needed.  Unless a decision is
reached as to which should be the default compiler (at least on the
Alpha and maybe on other arch's too), then this could end up being a
very real immediate problem.

> Also, if we start to use different compilers for regular packages, I think
> we ought to include build info (à la debmake's doc/buildinfo.Debian) into
> the packages, so that problems resulting from specific compilers (or
> linkers, or ...) are recognized more easily.

I agree with this and would recommend it anyway (since we now have a
choice of sorts).  I don't want to see people have to install and remove
compilers and dev packages just to compile a package or two, however.

BTW, the only reason I started this on private was because it related to
the release guidelines and goals :)


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