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Re: Dependency and priority mismatches

Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@noah.dfis.ull.es> writes:

> Well, I'm working on the boot-floppies package these days, and as I have
> set it up, it includes both SLang and ncurses in the base system (only
> SLang in the rescue disk). IIRC, Bruce advocates for using SLang to
> replace ncurses where we can, so that's what I've been trying to do. 

Putting slang on the boot-floppies to save space is fine.  Putting it
on the base disks is meaningless.  You'll never be able to get ncurses
off the base disks unless you want to do major work on bash &
libreadline.  So by slanging (?!) the default versions of base
programs, you're just making the base disks *bigger* by forcing us to
include ncurses and slang.

> I prefer having a default cfdisk linked against SLang, as we have the
> default ae linked against SLang, it makes my work easier

ae is the emergency /bin editor, but slang is in /usr/lib !  Very bad !

I'll upload a new util-linux tomorrow which also builds a cfdisk-slang
package.  I'll install somewhere in /usr/lib (/usr/lib/boot-floppies
perhaps?).  I suggest that Dale do the same with ae, and that you
remove slang from the base disks.


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