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compiling kernels (was: debian-devel-digest Digest V98 #69)

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> writes:
>	A touch, a touch, a most palpable touch! Yes, I shall modify
> the kernel-package documentation; thanks for pointing it out.

This discussion in the Debian FAQ also needs fixing:

>Executing the command dpkg --install kernel-package_VVV_all.deb sets
>up the directory /usr/src/linux-VVV/, and sets up the link
>/usr/src/linux to point to the directory /usr/src/linux-VVV/
>containing the kernel sources.
                                   [from  doc-debian 1.5-0]

The FAQ should also describe all the differences between the "Debian
way" of compiling kernels and what is described in the README file in
the kernel sources, preferably with supporting explanations.

FWIW, I installed kernel-headers- 2.0.30-8, then renamed the
/usr/include/linux and /usr/include/asm directories and installed the
symlinks.  That was the only way I saw to compile a kernel module that
was not part of the regular kernel sources.

                                 - Jim Van Zandt

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