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Re: Debian 2.0 release requirements

"Richard" == Richard Braakman <dark@xs4all.nl> writes:
>> Shared libraries are linked dynamically against other libraries
>> Linking shared libraries dynamically against other libraries
>> simplifies the upgrading process and saves disk and memory space.
>> All shared libraries included in the Debian distribution will be
>> compiled that way.
> As far as I can tell, it does not save disk and memory space.
> However, I am rather new at this.  Feel free to correct me.

You are wrong.  Shared libraries are able to use copy-on-write memory
space (hence the 'shared' category when you type 'free') which can
radically lower RAM requirements.  This is not the case on statically
linked libraries.

And, clearly, it saves disk space since the code resides on the disk
in only one place instead of being part of the executable.  (Little
confused on how you could get confused on this one!)

The final, and most important rationale is that bug fixes, say, in
libc, can be applied in one place and all programs which statically
link against the same major libc version are able to reap the benefits
of that bug fix.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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