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Am I missing somthing _realy_ easy??

Hello all,

I feel rather foolish with this question but since I haven't got an 
answer I might as well ask ;-)

Did 'we' forget to make a new set of bootdisks for the 
installation of hamm? 

/hamm/hamm/disks-i386 seems to contain the 1.3.1 release diskset.  Thus no
libc6 etc. and _much_ dpkg {--force-conflicts|--force-xx} choking on
installation of /hamm/hamm/base 'upgrade' packages. What's the solution ? 

I'm sure I've overlooked something _really_ simple and this is a bonehead 
question if ever, but an answer would be nice anyhow ;-)


avi bercovich

Avi Bercovich                                      bercovic@swi.psy.uva.nl
Sinjeur Semeynsstraat 9          Dept. of Social Science Informatics (SWI)
1183LD Amstelveen                                  University of Amsterdam     

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