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Re: Anybody tried to compile COAS ?

I did.

What I have: home brewed python 1.5b2 (I did not try to package it, so I just
run ./configure ..., make install to get it on my computer).  Since almost
everything else is installed from hamm on ftp.debian.org, I do not have
appropriate libpthreads for libc6.  As result, my python is compiled without
threading support.

Results: everything in tests works fine for me, except for `tests/persist',
which I found a point of crash (and a simple fix) for, and qt ui interface.
Specifically, when a table should appear on screen, the program shows the
empty window, then pauses for a while, and core dumps.

As for python programs in `tests' tree, all of them work fine, except for UI

Having issued `make install' in root of coas distribution, I got a lot of good
and different files on my disk.  But I was unable to get anything meaningful
from it.  So, I am trying to understand the underlying ideology. :)


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