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Hi! I think debian is best Linux distribution available, but it has couple
of "problems".

First of all, all programs and daemons are *old*, but this will be
automatically fixed in 2.0? (at least i hope so :)

Why don't you add Qmail to debian as a choise? There are
already at least sendmail and smail, so it would be nice if qmail would be
there also. 

Good usermanager for both shell and X would be also *very important*, I
know many companies not using (choosing NT) Linux because of bad
usermanagement. Usermanager should include at least there features: 
	- List users
	- Search users
	- Add users
	- Delete users
	- Edit users
		- Name and other infos
		- Quota
		- Mailaliases (qmail, sendmail etc)
		- Accound experidation dates
		- Password
	- Possibility to change default settings (for adding user)

And then the installation program. It is quite good, but i wanna warn
you :)
Never do like RedHat did. That installation program in 5.0 is terrible,
you can't go back in those menus and at least on my friends Pentium with
standard IDE drives it hanged 7 times and after all he didn't install
RedHat (but installed Debian :).

I hope everything good for Debian and i'm waiting for Debian 2.0!
(Sorry for my bad english) :)

-Pasi Kärkkäinen

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