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Re: Dependency and priority mismatches

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> It will need to be in the base system as well, unless we want to build two
> versions of every base package, and I'm not willing to do that with ae
> without some very clear justification.

Not every base package of course, just the base packages that use
ncurses and are also on the boot disks.  Actually, ae and util-linux
(cfdisk) might be only ones in this elite club.

> >    cd .../util-linux-2.7.1/disk-utils
> >    make SLCURSES=1 cfdisk
> >    cp cfdisk ...
> > ---
> I'm not sure I follow what is being suggested here, but it sounds like two
> packages to me.

I was suggesting either a new package _or_ requiring the boot-disk
package to have the util-linux source available, probably not a very
good idea.

> I think your first alternative [a seperate package for slang-cfdisk]
> is the correct one.

There is of course, the simplest third alternative of linking the
default cfdisk with slang, but that requires slang in /lib and on the

Are you willing to have two versions of ae? - normal ae and ae-slang
which installs into /usr/lib/boot-disks?  If not, then I won't bother
making a cfdisk-slang package


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