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Re: Alpha problems...

[Moved to -devel; I don't see why this should be on -private]

On Tue, Jan 13, 1998 at 01:36:54PM +0100, Christian Leutloff wrote:
> Would it be a great problem to use egcs as the default Debian compiler!? 

I don't think it would be a great problem for most packages. However, I
don't trust egcc enough yet. There have been reports of bad kernels as a
result of compilation with egcs (http://www.reference.com, mailing lists,
"egcs + kernel"). 

> If not, I suppose to use the egcs as the default and where it fails we're
> using the gcc.

egcc and gcc already use "alternatives" for /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++.
I think it would be best to modify our policy to recommend "CC=cc" and
"CXX=c++" (rather than the current recommendation "CC=gcc"), and let the
package maintainer decide to which compiler this corresponds too. If we
decide to go with egcc for a particular port, the porter can simply set the
appropriate links.

Also, if we start to use different compilers for regular packages, I think
we ought to include build info (à la debmake's doc/buildinfo.Debian) into
the packages, so that problems resulting from specific compilers (or
linkers, or ...) are recognized more easily.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
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