Re: Debian 2.0 release requirements
In article <[🔎]>,
Yann Dirson <> wrote:
>Alex Yukhimets writes:
> > if something
> > bad happened and you created a file(s) with some non-ascii charachters,
> > "ls" will trash the console while "ls | less" will show you everything
> > and let you delete it.
>?? Why on earth do you need less for that ?
>Doesn't "LANG=C /bin/ls -b" do the right job for that ?
Besides, you can configure less so that it uses the latin-1 character set
which is a superset of ASCII. Almost all terminals (certainly the Linux
console, xterm and rxvt) support that by default. Characters not in that
set will be shown as escaped control characters.
It's nice to be able to see Á Å Ï ïáî etc by default.
Miquel van Smoorenburg | The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac lay in his bed | awake all night wondering if there is a doG
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