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Re: [comp.os.linux.development.apps] RPM/DPKG for Commercial Use?

>>>>> "Vincent" == Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> writes:

Vincent> rpm does run on the following platforms: Linux -
Vincent> Sparc/Intel/PowerPC/Alpha/m68k/SGI Solaris - Sparc/Intel
Vincent> Hewlett-Packard HP-UX 10.20 SCO OpenServer 5.0.2 Digital UNIX
Vincent> 3.2/4.0 SunOS 4.1.3 HP-UX 9.05 AIX 3.2.5 NCR v2.02
Vincent> (i486-ncr-sysv4.

In my previous incarnation I haved looked at porting dpkg to other
platforms, and I had it up and running on Solaris, HPUX9 and IRIX with
a reasonably small amount of effort. Others have been there and done
that, so I even think dpkg now (but I haven't checked) should compile
almost out of the box on these.

Christian Lynbech
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)

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