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Re: Debian's machines and net access

On Fri, 16 Jan 1998, James A.Treacy wrote:

> As many of you have noted, access to va.debian.org leaves a little
> to be desired (intentional understatement). Having only set it up
> as www.debian.org about a month ago I'd like to see it moved to
> another machine with a better connection.

I have been running ping's and traceroutes for a week now and va gets 40%
packet loss pretty much all the time to me. This is new, it never was like 
this in December. 

Alot of people do have excellent connections to va, I belive VA's isp has
some direct links into alternet and so on. But their link to MCI seems
just horrid.. 

Perhaps we should nicely ask the va people to file a complaint with their
ISP? 40% packet loss is just -bad-.

>  - www.debian.org needs 300M of disk space and good connectivity.
>    Except for the access problem, there have been fewer headaches
>    since this came under our control.

I have some stats on apache at 
http://www.debian.org/~jgg/debian.org.stats.html. We push about 100M a
day out of va.

I think all the primary sites should be under our control, it seems to
make things much simpler, that and our machines appear to have excellent
uptimes :>

>  - primary mirror machine. All other mirrors would be from here.
>    Needs 4+GB of disk space and good connectivity. Could be the
>    same as www.debian.org if the connection is good enough
>  - master. Needs low latency, gobs of disk space and decent
>    connectivity. It is well served where it is now.

Master could be happier with a faster processor, but it seems to manage as

>  - development machine(s). Machines of each architecture that can
>    be used for doing development work.

>  - mail list server. Don't really know much about these.

This just needs to be well connected and needs about 20 meg of disk space
to run qmail on. Master seems to do quite well as list server..

>  - lots of mirrors. We're doing quite well here.
>  - anything else?
> Machines we currently have:
>  - master.debian.org 
>  - va.debian.org
>  - ?

Joey runs powerpc.debian.org which everyone should have logins on. It is
a compile machine in germany

> Is there a way we can better use what we have?
> If not, what other resources should we be looking for?

Before va got so slow it was an excellent machine to use during the
evening hours, during the day it was a bit kicky. I easially got 80ms ping
times with no packet loss back then :<


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