debian-user Jan 1999 by thread
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[OFFTOPIC] Eterm 0.8.7 with color tint Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
(no subject) Walter Kotorynski
activate with mouse over Darko Martic
lilo Darko Martic
Will slink ship with 2.2.0 Sergey Imennov
852 code page Darko Martic
Slink Upgrade Benefits Nils
procmail can't lock mail spool? Joey Hess
Re: [Off Topic] Ideas on providing low cost email access to schools Raymond A. Ingles
Re: Windoze printer Martin Schulze
Re: TrackManMarple-Thanks Michael Wahl
configuring serial port CUNO
supported hardware F Bonte
[Q] Automating the imm module Didier Verna
Debian and Erlang ? Mickael Remond
Network Installtion problem. Tom Champion
lilo and scsi adapter Bruce McCormick
Upgrading Nidge Jones
SLIP PPP Darko Martic
Network setup problems John Stevenson
News reading frleg
X toolkit warning Mário Olímpio de Menezes
netscape 3.04 Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler
Dialup problems - Not getting the ppp0 interface. Mark
lowmem install wtb
cdrom ktb
Texas Instrument Graphing Calculators AJ
Backspace key wont work RESPOND ASAP! AJ
Re: Backspace key wont work RESPOND ASAP Raghavendra Bhat
Quantum Bigfoot Dale Kemp
What is this in my mailbox?? William Flores
[Fwd: Installing debian with Win98] Tim Heuser
installing Debian and WinNT 4.0 Tom Lovie
How can I set Linux up as a File Server? Brant Wells
Re: bootlog on debian 2.0 missing in /var/log/messages Jameson Burt
RE: Installing Debian and WinNT4.0 Brant Wells
Re: Network problems (Solved) crown victoria
Printer filter for Lexmark 1020 Jamie Hart
Background(color) CUNO
Festival/mpg123? Gossamer
XWP - NOT! James R. Lunsford
Connection to ISP Johann Spies
Help Edmund Adjei
- Re: Help John Stevenson
- <Possible follow-ups>
- help Manuel Salinas
- help Moshe Tarko
[PERTAMINA/PIMPD/POSTMASTER: Mail failure] Rahsheen Porter
Re: debian nubee-man pages dont work? Blair Kelly
Inserting mod_perl into apache Ryszard Lach
installing cd-rom device driver per_adua32
ghostscript/view Walter Kotorynski
mounting a sunos filesystem? Will Lowe
Toshiba Kernel Compile Mike Deal
RE:LD_LIBRARY_PATH and andrew John Greer
Strange behaviour from Xemacs/VM Daniel Elenius
using fmirror, mirroring files by size Frankie
Starting X From .bash_profile Tres Hofmeister
Where is apache-common >=1.3.3? Erik van der Meulen
why .deb? Marc Haber
[no subject] ERIIX
Fortran 90 to C or Fortran 90 to Fortran 77 translator Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
slink PPP hangup problem Nikhil
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