Re: cdrom
You need to mkdir /mnt/cdrom first.
On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, ktb wrote:
> Hi, I've been hard at work getting nothing done as usual. I have
> three things I'm trying to accomplish but lets start with #1 and see if
> I can't get this to work. I've been trying to figure out how to use my
> cdrom. I have been reading the cdrom HOWTO. This is what I've done so
> far:
> crossyourfingers:/home/kent# ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom
> crossyourfingers:/home/kent# chmod 664 /dev/hdd
> crossyourfingers:/home/kent# ls -l /dev/hdd
> brw-rw-r-- 1 root disk 22, 64 Jul 20 19:45 /dev/hdd
> I can use the commands "cdplay" and "cdeject" just fine as a regular
> user. I can listen to a music cd through my headphones.
> I have an "extras" cd with my debian package and I would like to look at
> what it contains. I put the cd in, used the command "mount /mnt/cdrom"
> and got a message back that said there wasn't anything in the
> "/etc/fstab" file (there was another file listed but I forget what it
> was) so I followed the directions in the HOWTO. I put the following
> line in the file, "/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,ro"
> Tried again and got the error "mount: mount point /mnt/cdrom does not
> exist" Went back into the file and removed the following line
> "/dev/hdd /cdrom iso9660 noauto,nouser,ro 0 0" Tried to mount
> again same error "mount: mount point /mnt/cdrom does not exist"
> So that is what I have done. What I would like to do is be able to
> listen to music cd's through my speakers. I put a cd in I start it, I
> verify it is working through my headphones, I take the headphone jack
> out and no sound. When I type an error (like try to backspace when
> there is no more space to travel) I get a beep that comes through my
> speakers. I don't understand much about sound cards. I don't have one
> in a slot. I looked in windows and came up with "Crystal PnP Audio
> System" maybe that is my sound card. It seems to me if Linux can use my
> speakers in one instance but not another there is a linkage problem?
> I would also like to view what is on a particular cd without having to
> install what is on that cd.
> thanks,
> Kent
> --
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- References:
- cdrom
- From: ktb <>