smbmount-2.1.x: how does it work ?
I can't figure how to mount SMB shares...
"smbclient //servif3/user4if -U jzago" works just fine but I would like to
mount this share to /mnt/servif3.
"Usage: smbmount-2.1.x service <password> [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log]"
it seems like smbclient. where does I provide the mount point ?
Thanks for your help.
Agt the Walker.
--- my system ---
my kernel is 2.1.129.
$ cat /proc/modules
smbfs 25224 0
ip_masq_ftp 2124 0
vfat 13520 0 (unused)
fat 24100 0 [vfat]
dummy 704 0 (unused)
$ cat /proc/filesystems
nodev proc
nodev nfs
nodev autofs
nodev devpts
nodev smbfs
$ dpkg --list | egrep 'samba|smb'
ii samba 1.9.18p10-5
ii smbfsx 1.9.18p10-7
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