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Re: cdrom

I didn't see this one come through, even though I have recieved others.
Sorry if it's a repost.


> Does this directory (/mnt/cdrom) exist?  Make
it, put that line back in
> /etc/fstab and try again.

No it didn't exist I used "mkdir /mnt/cdrom" as
root and in directory /home/kent.
Now when I use the command mount /mnt/cdrom"
the cdrom is activated but I don't see
anything on my screen.  When I use "ls" I get:
$ ls -l /mnt/cdrom
total 0

So close but....?

> This sounds to me like a hardware problem -
i.e., you need to have an
> audio cable going from your CDROM to your
"sound card".  Since you
> don't seem to have an actual sound card, you
should check to see if
> there is a slot on the motherboard to plug an
audio CD cable into.  The
> Crystal PNP Audio System is in fact your
sound card; IIRC, that
> particular model is usually built into the
motherboard.  Where do your
> speakers plug in?  There might be a connector
near there.  Also, does
> playing a CD through the speakers work in
> If that's all right, then check the volume
setting in linux; after
> that, I'm stuck.

My CD's have always worked with my speakers
while in windows.  I assume the volume is
OK if I hear a "error" beep.  I have nerver
come across a reference as to how to
check the volume setting in Linux.  Where do I
access that?

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