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Printing with gimp


    I'm a novice user to gimp (hamm's version 1.0.0) and got problems setting
    up the printer dialog for my print device. I found nothing in the GUM/
    FAQ neither the manpage. Writing a line

        hp5l,/usr/bin/lpr -Php5l,ps2,,1,,A4,,

    to ~/.gimp/printrc gets overwritten every time print plug in starts and
    all I ca print to is a file but no printer set up in my
    /etc/printcap. strace-ing gimp I didn't get any further ideas what file
    to edit. For printing I use the lprng package as spool system.

            TIA -- Peter
Peter Weiss, Sonnenstraße 17, D-26123 Oldenburg, Tel:  0441/ 81058
---    The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could    ---

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