Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]
Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I have Window$98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 running on a IBM ThinkPad
> 385XD laptop without any trouble (sofar?). I've kept a detailed log
> of all the things I did and can mail it if your interested. You'll
> have to wait till tomorrow though, 'cause I don't have it here.
> Basically, I repartitioned the 4GB internal hard disk, did a recovery
> installation of Window$ on the C: drive and then put Linux on the
> rest. From what you say (having things already partitioned), you can
> skip most of that and just jump in at the Linux installation. I had
> the same problem as you mentioned: linux just won't boot. The reason
> is that LILO can not boot Linux if the root partition is not in the
> first 1024 cylinders of the boot disk.
I will still need to repartition my 2nd hard drive as win98 didn't give me
any options when I installed it.
> My first work-around was a DOS boot-floppy that auto-execs loadlin to
> boot Linux. Worked like a charm, but I found the floppy boot a little
> clumsy. Following the loadlin docs, I modified the Window$ boot to
> give me a choice (much like LILO would have done if it worked). So, I
> boot Linux through M$-DOS, but, hey, if it works, who cares?
Ah yes. I thought of trying something like that but, when I tried to make
a boot disk (floopy) It wouldn't work (sigh).
> Now, if I could only get that silly Window$ logo at boot time replaced
> with something more Linux, like a penguin ...
Now THAT would be cool!
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