debian-user Mar 2013 by thread
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Re: Two copies of E-Mail (Re: I wish to advocate linux) Bob Proulx
moving /var Maroš Žilka
Re: tar -> unresponsive machine "Morel Bérenger"
Re: Re: sort files by name and maintain sort order when copying to mp3player benjamin kent
Re: Removing commited versions from git history Richard Hector
Driver Network Dell PowerEdge R720 rodrigo tavares
Re: I wish to advocate linux --pclos from flash Tom H
Re: fix HD order mess-mate
install grub2 to root partition Skippy VonDrake
Installation failed - again - why am I not surprised Mark Filipak
RAID1 all bootable Francesco Pietra
ESC[4m does not produce underline Thomas D. Dean
upgrade snafu Frank McCormick
/bin/run-init: /sbin/init: No such file or directory. Kirk Ismay
Caldav client on Debian Mérof 42
10 top myths of debian Dick Thomas
Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Shane Johnson
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. green
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Shane Johnson
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Tom H
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Richard Hector
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Richard Hector
- Re: Install failed - USB flash to USB drive [SOLVED] Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - USB flash to USB drive [SOLVED] Richard Hector
- Re: Install failed - USB flash to USB drive [SOLVED] Miles Fidelman
- Re: Install failed - USB flash to USB drive [SOLVED] Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Joao Luis Meloni Assirati
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Miles Fidelman
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Joao Luis Meloni Assirati
- [OT] re: trolls and operating systems [was: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please.] Miles Fidelman
- Re: [OT] re: trolls and operating systems [was: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please.] Joao Luis Meloni Assirati
- Re: [OT] re: trolls and operating systems [was: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please.] Yaro Kasear
- Re: [OT] re: trolls and operating systems [was: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please.] Joe
- Re: [OT] re: trolls and operating systems [was: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please.] Yaro Kasear
- Re: [OT] re: trolls and operating systems [was: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please.] Mark Filipak
- Re: Install failed - let's start again, without bogus assumptions, please. Robert Holtzman
looking for free software to interactively extract models from images with Dan Hitt
Re: How can I know which deb-multimedia packages I have installed? Csanyi Pal
elpa install failed Jude DaShiell
emacs elpa install failed Jude DaShiell
[OT] facelift for Hugo Vanwoerkom
Package Pre-dependencies rbmj
Using VMware graphics drivers in a kvm windows guest? James Allsopp
Freedesktop Application Icon / magic database Felix Natter
Suggestions: Basic 15-band Audio Equilize Patrick Bartek
Converting a running system to a VirtualBox VM Marc Shapiro
Sync Orage and Android (via calendarserver?) Ramon Hofer
libreoffice does not auto-increment anymore Lee Pool
Latest sid upgrade breaks hot-key suspend-to-ram on T410 Joel Roth
Help please - install the WiFi driver Mark Filipak
Wheezy RC1 - Installing python:i386 on amd64 machine nir izraeli
Auto-emptying of trash. Sharon Kimble
Windows XP option not showing up after fresh install. Michael
future of dbmail in Debian Sergey Spiridonov
Who may post on the list. Lisi Reisz
Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC Steven Grunza
Not for me. Mark Filipak
Re: Not for me. Robert Holtzman
Missing Packages.gz file in debian-6.0.7-amd64-DVD-8.iso image Franco Martelli
Add Ben Ritchey
Missing Driver isci Mustafa Aldemir
Startup-Manager (squeeze) mess-mate
inquire report bug sting wing
debian CD repository Muhammad Yousuf Khan
unattended-upgrades not working A
Wheel mouse inop Ben Ritchey
Re: How to display the reason for a revocation in GPG? Claudius Hubig
encrypt connection pc to proxy server oxy
Netgear Series N Router as Access Point Poisons our LAN. Martin McCormick
Does any one know what day Wheezy will be released? Timothy Magee
account used for meeting request replies in evolution? Steven Post
UEFI Weaver
Re: Iceweasel and chromium stable and secure versions Steven Rosenberg
Python 2.7 packages from testing - 2.6 equivalents not available francis picabia
sound juicer over-range Russell L. Harris
Problems with samba Steve Dierker
Raid 5 Dick Thomas
The last update was on 10:08 GMT Sun May 05. There are 1270 messages. Page 1 of 3.
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